No. 17, Sunday, April 30, 1978


Vyacheslaw Davydenko, Svoboda Editor, Dies

'Let Is Be Jubilant'
Paschal Letter of the Sobor Of Bishops if the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church

5,000 Witness Blessing of St. George's Church
Ceremonies Mindful of Contributions of Pioneers

Story and Photos by Ihor Dlaboha

Arkady Shevchenko Quits U.N. Post
by Boris Potapenko
"Visti" International News Service

Siryi Warned by KGB About Dissident Activity

Report Church Hierarchs IN USSR Favor Government

Lukianenko Seeks Equality For Believers, Atheists

Romanuik Asks Christians To Support Dissidents in USSR

Lithuanian Priest Accuses USSR of Helsinki Violations

Warvariv Receives High State Department Award

Gen. Grigorenko Calls For United Rights Action

New York Ukrainians Seek Release of Shukhevych
Gen. Grigorenko Urges Fight Against Regime

Story and Photo by Ihor Dlaboha

Rochester Youths Protest Repressions in USSR

INS Forms Ethic Advisory Panel

Mayor Koch Welcomes Gen. Grigorenko At N.Y. City Hall

Dr. Kulas Named to Chicago's Human Relations Commission

Form Joint Committee to Mark Anniversary of Konovalets' Death

Council Approves Shevchenko Place

Rights Coordinating Group Sets Meeting

Pennsylvania Ukrainian Makes Maiden Bid for U.S. Congress

Cafik Releases Ethnic Attitudes Survey

Announce Summer Language Program

Atty. Futey Elected to Sixth Term As President of Cleveland UCCA

Present Panel on Genetic Engineering


Faith in Resurrection
"Keelhaul" Declassified

Letter to the Editor
Political Involvement
by Paul Fenchak

Yuzyk: Belgrade Conference Is Source of Disappointment
The following is a transcript of the statement made by Sen. Paul Yuzyk in the Canadian Senate on Wednesday, April 5, about the Belgrade conference which reviewed the implementation of the Helsinki Accords.

Russian Seeks Abolition Of the Empire
Below is the text of a presentation made by Mr. Boldyrev, as a follow-up to Mr. Igor Sinyavin's statement, at a recent session of the Americans for Free Captive Nations. Both Mr. Sinyavin and Mr. Boldyrev are recent Russian emigres from the USSR and are advocates of the national rights of the non-Russian peoples of the USSR.

How Romeo Became Othello
by Roman J. Lysniak

Tax Tips

Use Lights Properly to Save Energy
From the desk of Pat. M. Lutwiniak-Englebrecht, Home Economist

5,000 Witness Blessing of St. George's Church
New Ukrainian Church Brightens Downtown New York City

'Zorepad,' 'Kobza' to Perform At College in Troy

Marunczak Dance Ensemble To Perform in Philadelphia

"Veselka" Choir To Sing in Miami

L.U.C. Plans 23rd Annual Sports Rally

Zuk's Ukrainian Churches Cited By London Architecture Journal

Activity Abounds at Stamford Academy

Plan Mother's Day Pilgrimage

Baltimore Ukrainians Seek New Church Designer

Designs Miniature Churches

Mohawk Valley Learns of "Pysanka"

A Milestone for "Tryzub"
by Ostap Tatomyr

Chyzowych, Tatomyr Join Philadelphia Fury

Hold Festival At Rutgers
by Daria Twardowsky

Buffalo Program Was "Sheer Entertainment"

Michaluk Family Fosters Pysanka Art

Prof. Rudnyckyj To Speak at Rutgers

J.C. Community Center Supports Deborah Hospital Fund Drive

Library Has First Book Printed in Canada

Ascension Manor II Nears Completion

Warns About Soviet Propaganda
The following letter, written by Atty. Mary V. Beck, former president and member of the Detroit City Council, Appeared on the op-ed page of the April 12 edition of the Detroit News.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 30, 1978, No. 97, Vol. LXXXV