February 21, 2020

Heavenly Hundred remembered in Washington


WASHINGTON – Leaders and members of Ukrainian American organizations, Churches and the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington came together once again on February 16 in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington for the annual honoring of the Heavenly Hundred who were killed six years ago in Kyiv while protesting Ukraine’s pro-Russian government of Viktor Yanukovych. Standing among those in front of the crowd holding the huge Ukrainian flag and addressing the importance of that historic event were Ukraine’s Ambassador Volodymyr Yelchenko, Nadia McConnell of the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation, Michael Sawkiw of the Ukrainian National Information Service, Maryna Baydyuk of United Help Ukraine and Nadiya Shaporynska of U.S. Ukrainian Activists. Also there to lead the crowd in prayers for the 100 victims of that historic conflict were the priests of the local parishes of the Ukrainian Catholic and Orthodox Churches. Before the conclusion of the memorial event, the names of the Heavenly Hundred who died were read by some of those taking part in that commemorative event, including, as in previous years, George Sajewych, who participated in that historic Kyiv Maidan protest, but was saved by being seriously beaten, bloodied and taken to the hospital before the deadly shooting began.

– Yaro Bihun