September 25, 2020

In defense of capitalism


Dear Editor:

A recent letter (August 16) trashed “American capitalism” and lauded BLM. Sonia Kowal tolerates no criticism of BLM and says detractors “betray their deep ignorance of American capitalism.” She then takes the vast but predictable leap: the truly enlightened know that capitalism is based on “prejudice” and “structural racism.”

What she espouses might be good for her company, but it betrays not a hint of knowing what capitalism is or what the leaders of BLM have admitted: that they are “trained Marxists.”

Capitalism is simply the self-control of an economy with market-based prices, production and demand. It works remarkably well – the U.S. is the best proof of that. We are the oldest, most successful, most free and the world’s leader in just about everything. Ukrainian Americans are the wealthiest Ukrainians in the world as are other immigrants. Japan, Korea and Eastern Europe adopted capitalism and became miracles of “strength and continued growth,” which is to what Ms. Kowal aspires.

My grandfather and father fled Lemko­vyna from the invading socialists that started World War II. The Nazis and Commies also promised “equality and justice.” My forefathers opted for the coal mines. But thanks to capitalism, they fared far better than our relatives trapped in the “Workers’ Paradise.”

Tato said: “People don’t believe the streets in America are lined with gold, but they are. But some are too lazy to bend down and pick it up.”

Ms. Kowal, remember that your success is based on the free-market purchase and sale of capital.

Russ Chelak
Morristown, N.J.