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About The Ukrainian Weekly


The Ukrainian Weekly
2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280
Parsippany, NJ 07054
phone (973) 292-9800
fax (973) 644-9510

Published continuously since 1933.

Founded at first to serve the Ukrainian American community and to function as a vehicle for communication of that community's concerns to the general public in the United States. Publishes news about Ukraine and Ukrainians around the world.

A major stimulus for the newspaper's inauguration in 1933 was the man-made famine then raging in Ukraine due to the policies instituted by Joseph Stalin. The Ukrainian National Association, a fraternal benefit life insurance society which had been publishing a Ukrainian-language daily newspaper, Svoboda (founded in 1893), decided to publish an English-language newspaper as well in order to tell the world the truth about the famine. At the time, there were few reports of the famine. [In fact, The New York Times Moscow-based correspondent at the time, Walter Duranty, on several occasions in his news reports denied that there was a famine, while privately telling U.S. diplomats that millions were dying.]

In time, The Ukrainian Weekly, along with its publisher, expanded into Canada. Today its primary audience is in North America. However, the newspaper has subscribers literally around the globe, wherever there are readers interested in news about Ukraine and Ukrainians. For example, there are subscribers in such diverse places as India, Puerto Rico, Australia, South America, and nearly all the countries in Europe, including Ukraine.

With the re-establishment of Ukraine's independence in 1991, came a renewed focus on Ukraine. The Ukrainian Weekly now has a full-time press bureau in Kyiv (Ukrainian-based transliteration of Kiev), capital of Ukraine. In a 1992 poll, readers rated news from Ukraine as their No. 1 interest. Related to this is a marked increase in the number of non-Ukrainians subscribing to the newspaper - persons from all walks of life who are now interested in Ukraine for academic, business or other reasons.

The Weekly has correspondents in major U.S. and Canadian cities and a group of free-lancers who contribute news and articles from various other countries. Thus, the newspaper reports on Ukrainian-related news from wherever there are Ukrainians. In addition, several notable scholars are regular contributors of analytical articles dealing with current events in Ukraine and the former Soviet Union.

Among our readers are many scholars, politicians and opinion leaders. All members of the U.S. Congress receive the newspaper courtesy of the Ukrainian National Association. Officials in the executive branch of the U.S. government also are on its mailing list. As well, select members of the Canadian Parliament receive the paper.

In 1983, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Great Famine in Ukraine, The Ukrainian Weekly editors compiled a special commemorative booklet called "The Great Famine in Ukraine: The Unknown Holocaust." The 88-page publication included scholars' articles about the Stalin-instigated famine, eyewitness recollections and press accounts. A special issue of the newspaper devoted to that anniversary appears in the Special Issues Section of this website.

More information about the history of The Ukrainian Weekly may be found in the special issue printed on the occasion of the newspaper's 60th anniversary in 1993.

The newspaper annually publishes a year-end review of the major developments of the year. Some of the more current yearenders can be found in the Special Issues Section.

Subscription rates: $55 per year. ($45 for members of the Ukrainian National Association.)

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Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, 2007