A series of mass meetings are being held by the Ukrainians throughout America and Canada, protesting against the barbaric attempts of the Bolshevik regime to deliberately starve out and depopulate the Ukrainian people in Ukraine.

The purpose of this international starvation by the Bolsheviks is to forever quell the Ukrainian struggle for freedom.

Since the overthrow of the Ukrainian National Republic by the Bolsheviks fifteen years ago, the later have used every conceivable terroristic weapon to stamp out the Ukrainian attempts to free themselves. Thousands of Ukrainians have been summarily shot for the slightest political offense; other thousands were sent to certain death to Siberia and the notorious Solovetsky prison Islands. But to no avail. The Ukrainian spirit of independence still burned on.

The Reds therefore finally hit upon the most inhuman plan ever conceived, in order to achieve their end: and that is the deliberate carrying out of Ukraine practically all the grain and other foodstuffs, with the result that over five million Ukrainians have died during the past year from starvation.

The Bolsheviks are trying to screen this deliberate starving by declaring that poor crops are responsible for this great famine. This excuse is rather a grim jest when we consider that Ukraine, the home of the famed "chornozem," is one of the most fertile lands on this earth.

Scenes of extreme horror are described by eye-witnesses. There is absolutely nothing to eat. Even the rodents have all been eaten up. People die in their tracks, and are left to rot. Many instances of cannibalism have been reported.

Dr. Ewald Amende, Secretary of the Congress of National Minorities at Bern, Switzerland, has recently described this famine in Ukraine as the "shame of the twentieth century." His Holiness Pope Pius XI has recently expressed his deepest sympathy and an offer to help. Cardinal Innitzer, Archbishop of Vienna, issued on August 19th a protest against the Bolshevik barbarity and an appeal for help for the Ukrainians to the International Red Cross. The head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, Metropolitan Andrew Sheptitsky, together with Ukrainian Archbishops and Bishops has issued a protest against this persecution of unprecedented and inhuman character.

At the present time the Bolsheviks have forbidden Ralph B. Barnes of the Herald Tribune, W. H. Chamberlain of the Christian-Science Monitor, the correspondent of the Manchester Guardian, and many other leading correspondents, to enter Ukraine. Only a few extreme Bolshevik sympathizers such as Walter Duranty of the New York Times are permitted to do so. Even Duranty has admitted that the famine has decimated the Ukrainian population.

Practically all of the leading press of England and the Continent has been filled for the last four or five months with descriptions of the pitiful scenes throughout Ukraine.

Appeals are being made to the Red Cross to establish a base in Ukraine in order that all Ukrainians can send their aid through this base. At the present time such aid is impossible, as the Bolsheviks will not permit it.

Further appeals are being made to the U.S. Government not to recognize this Communistic dictatorship, as it is founded upon principles that are contrary to all rules of humanity and civilization. Appeals are also being made to the Government to send a Special Mission to Ukraine in order to study the conditions under which the Ukrainian people are living under this tyrannical and oppressive Bolshevik dictatorship.

Copyright © Svoboda, October 6, 1933, No. 1, Vol. I

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