A regular bi-monthly meeting of the Ukrainian Social Club of Paterson, a member of the U.Y.L. of N.A., was held in its quarters at the local Y.M.C.A. building on Tuesday evening, October the 3rd. Besides the regular members of the club there were a number of guests, including some members of the St. Nicholas Ukrainian Athletic Club of Passaic, N.J.

Following the regular business of the meeting, president Michael Mahameta introduced as the principal speaker of the evening Mr. Stephen Shumeyko. President of the U.Y.L. of N.A., who spoke on the subject of the proper adjustment of a young American-Ukrainian towards his American environment and Ukrainian sentiments.

At the conclusion of his talk Mr. Shumeyko spoke about the aims and purposes of the forthcoming "Ukrainian Weekly." Mr. Walter Shafran, of the St. Nicholas Club, made a suggestion that the local clubs subscribe to the "Ukrainian Weekly" so that a copy of the same may be available to all members at the club headquarters. The meeting was concluded with a general discussion pertaining to the "League."

Following the adjournment the members and guests were served with refreshments by the Entertainment Committee of the club.

Marian A. Adams,

Copyright © Svoboda, October 6, 1933, No. 1, Vol. I

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