Washington, D.C. - Groups associated with the National Captive Nations Committee will demonstrate against Khrushchev and his quislings puppets at the United Nations this month. NCNC is urging that the demonstrations be peaceable and also that they be designed to depict Janus-faced Khrushchev as he is - a cunning, totalitarian boor.

Having established himself in Paris as Nekulturniy (uncultured) Khrushchev, the Russian dictator will be chanted to the tune of:

The NCNC issued the following statement relative to Khrushchev's visit:

"We are not indulging in baseless name-calling. Khrushchev's crude and barbaric behavior in Paris fully justifies the title Nekulturniy. Russia's intelligentsia cringed at this behavior while the Free World stared aghast. Nekulturniy, or uncultured, has a special and sensitive meaning and innuendo in Eastern Europe.

"Thinking that he has us on the defensive in this new propaganda maneuver, Khrushchev is actually leading out with his chin. We have a wonderful opportunity to chip it and set the Russian and his quislings reeling. It is only because we fail to seize such opportunities that Moscow has gained the reputation of propaganda superiority.

"We call upon the President to take full advantage of this opportunity by addressing the U.N. Assembly even before Khrushchev speaks. Let him reply, not us. We urge that the president challenge the Russian totalitarian with these points:

"(1) Free elections under U.N. supervision in Texas, California, Arizona and the comparable areas of Ukraine, the Caucasus, and Lithuania. The President should carry into the U.N. Assembly the Challenge he offered at the Republican National Convention, but pinpointing it correctly to Khrushchev's own words which appeared in his article in Foreign Affairs following the passage of the Captive Nations Week Resolution last year.

"(2) The immediate application of twelve U.N. General Assembly resolution on Moscow's aggression in Hungary. The President should maintain that if these resolutions are not carried out, the credentials of Moscow's Hungarian puppets in the U.N. must be rejected.

"(3) Call for a full-scale U.N. investigation into Russian imperialist aggression against all the formerly independent non-Russian nations now held in colonial bondage both within and outside the Soviet Union. The United States has yet to take this necessary step. Russia, the last major citadel of imperialism and colonialism, must be exposed; its mask of ideological communism must be sheared off.

"(4) Proud justification of the U-2 flight not only on grounds of a closed totalitarian society but also of captive non-Russian territory. Most of the area flown over by the U-2 is not even legitimately Russian; it is the captive non-Russian area of Turkestan.

"(5) Full exposure of Moscow's fraudulent disarmament proposals and submission of an Atlantic to Urals demilitarization and disarmament project on a nation by nation basis, scaled roughly according to population, e.g., Ukraine for West Germany, Hungary for Belgium and so forth.

"The National Captive Nations Committee has shown on two occasions how to spike Moscow's propaganda efforts. Last year and this year Captive Nations Week observances have caused Moscow to bellow. In the cold war, which is essentially a psychological war, we cannot just speak softly and carry a big stick - we must speak the truth loudly and courageously, for all the world to hear. The myth of communism, totalitarian Russian colonialism and imperialism, and the captive nations both within and outside the Soviet Union should be our prime propaganda targets. Russian fraud should be brought into full view. Even in the Olympic games names like Shalvakadze, Koridze and other gold medal winning contenders are not Russian names, although Moscow receives the credit."

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 17, 1960, No. 179, Vol. LXVII

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