Captive Nations Committee Chairman Derides Khrushchev's Visit to U.N.

Washington, D.C., Sept. 11. - N.S. Khrushchev's coming "Puppet Show" at the U.N. will be a revelation of the naked slavery of Moscow's totalitarian system, the National Captive Nations Committee said today.

Dr. Lev E. Dobriansky, Chairman of NCNC characterized Khrushchev's heralded U.N. dangling of :chiefs of the Captive States as "a callous affront to all freedom loving peoples."

"The Big Blow from Moscow has overplayed his hand this time,' Dr. Dobriansky said. 'He is making a major blunder in trotting out these stooges, Khrushchev may think he is mounting a show of empire strength in 'packing along' Gomulka and company, but actually he is showing to the world that the so-called Soviet Union and its imperial extensions are only an ersatz empire," Dr. Dobriansky asserted.

"Further," the NCNC Chairman said, "It is high time the Free World rid itself of the complex that this totalitarian boor is a master strategist. Actually, he fumbles from blunder to blunder and succeeds only because the true democracies have an inferiority complex or an incapacity to challenge him on specific issues bearing on Moscow's imperial domain itself."

"Once we reduce Khrushchev to size," Chairman Dobriansky said, "and fully realize the totalitarian Russian imperialists are holding their ill-gotten gains together with armed coercion, then we'll recognize these international thugs for what they are and deal with them accordingly."

Dobriansky urged Americans to "think of the freedom-loving nations and their millions of imprisoned peoples when K's stooges pop up at the U.N. They represent the most gigantic fraud in history. If it were possible to hold free elections in the Captive Nations, the so-called heads of state would be lucky to get their own votes. The one weapon Khrushchev fears most - is the FREE BALLOT."

Thomas F. Connor, executive director of NCNC, said Khrushchev's change of plans to enter the U.N. vie the East River will not deter peaceable demonstrations against the Soviet dictator and his traveling circus, featuring 'The Imposters'."

"By land or by sea there will be freedom forces to protest Khrushchev's enslavement of the Captive Nations," Connor said. "There are many patriotic groups in this country whose consciences compel them to protest this Soviet hypocrisy and parade of arrogance from Moscow," Connor observed.

In an earlier statement on the Khrushchev appearance at the U.N., NCNC urged President Eisenhower to "take full advantage of this opportunity by addressing the U.N. Assembly before Khrushchev speaks."

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 17, 1960, No. 179, Vol. LXVII

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