Khrushchev at the U.N.

Khrushchev and his communist puppets, including Nicholas. V. Podgorny, secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine, have come to the United Nations by self-invitation. Free men everywhere will understand that Khrushchev and his servants are not here to promote the interest of the U.N. or any other legitimate diplomatic purpose. ...

The American people have at last a unique opportunity to see this ungodly array of world's most cruel tyrants and executioners. Because they are the communist despots who are responsible for bloody persecution, martyrdom and the wholesale genocide in Ukraine, the Baltic countries, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Rumania and elsewhere.

The arch-criminal Khrushchev who insulted our President and the American people as a whole, the same Khrushchev who ordered the destruction of an American weather plane in international waters and slaughter of American fliers, came here in the role of "international peacemaker" and advocate of disarmament!

Representatives of the free nations should take off their diplomatic gloves and point out the world that the Soviet Union is the last major citadel of colonial exploitation and imperialist oppression. Khrushchev and his gauleiters should be exposed as a gang of international criminals and enemies of humanity.

We have no doubt that the American people are in sympathy with the enslaved nations behind the Iron Curtain. Americans are on the side of those who are staging protests and pickets - denouncing communist oppression of their countries of origin.

Thomas Jefferson ones wrote: "I swear upon the altar of God, eternal hostility to all forms of tyranny over the minds of men..." He wrote these words a long time ago, but they are even more valid today than they were in his days.

Let us hope that Khrushchev and Co. will never come again to these shores of freedom. Let's hope that the countries they oppress, including Ukraine, the country of our forefathers, will soon regain their long-overdue freedom and independence and a righteous place in the family of the free peoples of the world.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 24, 1960, No. 184, Vol. LXVII

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