By Theodore Lutwiniak

"How come you're always urging the readers of The Ukrainian Weekly to get new members into the Ukrainian National Association?" That's what a friend of ours asked us the other day. "Most of the readers are ordinary members," he continued, "and probably aren't a bit interested in bothering their friends about UNA insurance. That's the job of the UNA branch officers. They're the ones who should get new members."

Our friend may have a point. No doubt some of the readers aren't interested in organizing new members. But there are some who are interested and others who will become interested, and that is why we keep asking for help in building up the UNA and its branches. We agree that branch officers should bring in new members, and that is what most of them are doing. But they need help. After all, how many people does any individual actually know well enough to approach on the subject of UNA membership? Most of the branch officers have long since exhausted their lists of prospective members. "We just don't know anyone we haven't already talked to," they explain. They heed help. And where is this help to come from? A great deal of it could come from readers of The Weekly.

We all have friends and relatives. We all belong to clubs, organizations and groups. We know people with whom the branch officers are not acquainted and a lot of them are not UNA members. So why don't we help the UNA and our branches by cooperating in the current campaign for new members?

Those of us who haven't the time or the inclination to approach prospective members should give lists of names and addresses to the branch officers. The officers will do their best to get the people listed to join the UNA. Those of us who have a little spare time and feel that we can go out and organize members on our own should write to the UNA Main Office for information and the necessary material. A little studying of the main facts about the UNA will prepare us for organization work. Start talking to everyone we know. Some will join the UNA almost immediately, and others will show real interest or indifference; we'll keep after them. Every single new member is a big help to the UNA and it is worth the effort even to get one.

The UNA doesn't expect the readers of The Weekly to go out and organize new members for nothing. The UNA pays its organizers in cash. Any person interested in knowing the schedule of rewards being paid by the UNA for new members may write to the organization and receive this information. The more members a person organizes in a quarter-annual period (like Oct.-Nov.-Dec.) the higher the rate per member. The amount of insurance involved is also taken into consideration - the more insurance sold the higher the reward. It's worth a little of your time and effort. Not only you will be of service to the UNA and your branch, but you'll be helping yourself as well.

Here is an idea for clubs, groups, athletic teams, and the like, to discuss at meetings. Ascertain how many of the members do not belong to the UNA; sign up those who are willing to cooperate and have the entire reward paid by the UNA go into the club treasury for the future benefit of all the club members. This is a good way to raise funds.

If any reader has ideas that will help the UNA and its branches get new members he or she should write to the UNA. The organization welcomes helpful suggestions. We would appreciate mention of our column. Non-members interested in knowing more about the UNA are invited to write in and ask for the English-language "UNA Facts" booklet. It will be sent postpaid without obligation.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 24, 1960, No. 184, Vol. LXVII

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