Cleveland Students Welcomed Out-of-Town Guests

CLEVELAND, O. - "SUSTA and the Ukrainian Students' Club in Cleveland" was the theme of the student conference which took place on September 11 and 12 here, and in which representatives of Federation of Ukrainian Student Organizations (SUSTA) and Ukrainian Studies Chair Fund (USCF took part.

Bohdan Futey, president of the Ukrainian Students' Club in Cleveland opened the session, and Dr. Michael Papp, of John Carroll University made the opening remarks, according to Mr. Konstantyn Savchuk, who attended the gathering from SUSTA.

The first day of the conference was set aside for reading of papers on Taras Shevchenko, namely his influence on the Ukrainian renaissance. Within this general topic four papers were read by the following students: Walter Popil (Detroit), Daria Holubec (Cleveland), Anatole Bedriy (Newark), Vasyl Holod (Chicago). Discussion followed these talks and a number of those present participated in it.

Sunday was devoted to purely organizational matters relating to SUSTA. That day Bohdan Fedoruk of Detroit, and Adrian Karmazyn, members of SUSTA Executive, and Konstantyn Savchuk, SUSTA president, spoke about the work of this national Ukrainian student federation, and Stephen Chemych, president of the Ukrainian Studies Chair Fund explained to the Cleveland audience the working of this institution which is closely allied with students through SUSTA.

"This was one of a series of conferences which we arrange a few times a year in various centers in order to strengthen the work of the local student club," explained Mr. Savchuk.

Students from Chicago, Newark, New York and Detroit were present at the Cleveland conference.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 24, 1960, No. 184, Vol. LXVII

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