Atty. John Ewasew of Montreal Appointed Canadian Senator

Joins Sen. Paul Yuzyk as Second Ukrainian in Senate

OTTAWA, Ont. - Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau announced Monday, December 20, that John Ewasew, a Ukrainian lawyer from Montreal, Que., was summoned to the capital and sworn in as a Senator.

Mr. Ewasew joins Sen. Paul Yuzyk as the second Senator of Ukrainian lineage in Canada. He is the fourth Ukrainian to be so honored: in addition to Sen. Yuzyk, the late William M. Wall and the late John Hnatyshyn served in the Canadian Senate.

Served in Armed Forces

Mr. Ewasew was born March 13, 1922, in Grenfell, Sask., where he attended local schools. In September 1939, he joined the Canadian army and served overseas in England, Italy, France, Belgium and Holland.

In October 1945 he returned to Saskatchewan to complete his education. He attended Regina College (now University of Saskatchewan) and McGill University in Montreal, graduating in 1950 with a degree in law. He is a member of the Quebec Bar and the Canadian Bar and became a Queen's Counsel on September 15, 1965.

Mr. Ewasew has been practicing law in Montreal and is presently a partner in the firm of Howard, McDougali, Ewasew Graham and Stocks.

After the war, Mr. Ewasew was active with the University COTC Regiments on training courses during his summer at Camp Borden, Ont., with the Armored Corps, and at Camp Marleau, Que., with the Ordinance Corps in which he held the rank of captain.

Active in Veterans Affairs

He was active in veterans affairs, serving as president of various branches of veterans organizations, as Quebec provincial command president and as first vice-president of the dominion command of the Army, Navy and Air Force veterans in Canada.

In recognition of his efforts in the international field in veterans affairs, he has been cited by the American Legion and received the Amity Medal and Award.

In 1967, for similar services to Canadian veterans and organizations, he received the Centennial Medal.

Mr. Ewasew was appointed to the Canada Manpower and Immigration Council on April 1, 1969, and has served as a member until now.

He has also been an active member in various Ukrainian community organizations for the past 30 years.

Elected V.P.

In 1955, Mr. Ewasew was elected vice-president of the Canadian Professional and Businessmen's Association in Montreal for the province of Quebec.

He is married to Jeanne nee Senecal and is the father of three children.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 26, 1976, No. 255, Vol. LXXXIII

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