New Yorkers Usher Christmas Season With Tree-Lighting Ceremony

NEW YORK, N.Y. - The Coordinated Ukrainian American Veterans "Tree of Peace" was officially lit in ceremonies here outside the Ukrainian National Home on Friday evening, December 17.

Atty. Walter Steck, who originally suggested the establishment of such a tree lighting custom, and Harry Polche served as masters of ceremonies. The event attracted a large number of spectators, including Plast and SUMA youth, in spite of freezing temperatures.

Dr. Ivan Kozak, honorary head of the Coordinated Ukrainian American Veterans, addressed the gathering in Ukrainian, explaining the symbolism of the tree as a tribute to those who died for the liberation of Ukraine.

Atty. Steck spoke in English, noting that the tree also honors those who are presently incarcerated in Soviet prisons.

Afterwards the "Moloda Dumka" and "Dumka" choirs, directed by Semen Komirnyi, sang "Dobryi Vechir Tobi" while the "Dumka" performed "Dnes Poiushche". Two of the youngest singers, Ania Tershakovec and Orest Shul, held a Christmas star.

The participation of the "Moloda Dumka" was made possible by a grant of the New York State Council of the Arts.

The ceremonies were concluded by the singing of Boh Predvichny" and "Nova Radist Stala" by all present.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 26, 1976, No. 255, Vol. LXXXIII

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