Pittsburgh Credit Union Receives Award

PITTSBURGH, Pa. - The Ukrainian Selfreliance of Western Pennsylvania Federal Credit Union of Pittsburgh, Pa., has earned a National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) Thrift Honor Award for its success in stimulating savings among small savers, according to Earl F. Bradley, Regional Director, NCUA Region II in Harrisburg.

The credit union attained a monthly growth rate of 5.7 percent in accounts under $20,000. According to Mr. Bradley, this rate of growth was well above the average for federal credit unions of similar size.

On October 31, 1976, the credit union had 342 members with total savings of $398,813.

The credit union was chartered in February 1974 and is serving the Ukrainian and Ruthenian communities of the Tri-State area.

S. Michael Tymiak is president of the credit union and Peter R. Naber serves as its treasurer

The National Credit Union Administration charters, supervises and insures over 12,800 Federal credit unions in the United States. It conducts the Thrift Honor Award program to provide an incentive for Federal credit union officials to encourage members with small accounts to include regular savings as a part of their family financial management plan.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 26, 1976, No. 255, Vol. LXXXIII

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