Educator Addresses Baltimore Workshop

BALTIMORE, Md. - At the fall conference on Baltimore's history, held at the University of Baltimore, Paul Fenchak, of the Ukrainian Education Association of Maryland, presented aspects about research techniques and findings regarding Ukrainian experiences in Baltimore and Maryland as a whole. As a panelist of a morning seminar which reviewed the topic of "Resources for the Study of Baltimore History," Mr. Fenchak touched upon many of the findings that will appear in the forthcoming book, "The Ukrainians of Maryland."

Mr. Fenchak reminded the conference that the historiographies of Eastern Europe are manifold and complex and that many of the linguistic and cultural endeavors developed in a south to-north pattern, going hrough Bulgaria, Rumania, Ukraine, and finally to Muscovy, - a fact that many accounts in America fail to recognize. He suggested that researchers concern themselves more with institutions and actions and less with popular type accounts that are geared to official census data.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 31, 1977, No. 289, Vol. LXXXIV

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