UCCA officers visit Metropolitan Lubachivsky

PHILADELPHIA, Pa. - Members of the UCCA executive board visited the new metropolitan for Ukrainian Catholics in the United States, Archbishop Myroslav Lubachivsky, here at the metropolitan's chancery on Wednesday, December 12.

The UCCA delegation included Msgr. Robert Moskal, Ivan Bazarko, Ignatius Billinsky, Dr. Oleksander Bilyk, Stefania Bukshowany, Christine Nawrocky, Dr. Bohdan Hnatiuk, Dr. Roman Maksymovych and Dr. Petro Stercho.

After Msgr. Moskal introduced the executive board members to Metropolitan Lubachivsky, the UCCA representatives described the organizational structure, goals and work of the body. They stressed the UCCA's long-standing commitment to the national, religious and cultural distinctness of the Ukrainian community in the United States, as well as the necessity of cooperation between the UCCA and Ukrainian Churches.

The metropolitan expressed his interest in the work with the UCCA. He noted that the development of Ukrainian education in the United States was of utmost importance, pointing to the fact that the Ukrainian language must be safeguarded in order for the Ukrainian community to exist as a distinct entity.

Archbishop Lubachivsky pledged his support to the UCCA and the World Congress of Free Ukrainians, and assured the UCCA delegation that the matter of the Ukrainian Church and nation is the essence of his life.

In conclusion Mr. Bazarko expressed the UCCA's best wishes to the metropolitan on the occasion of Christmas and the New Year.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 30, 1979, No. 296, Vol. LXXXVI

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