Pochayiv residents draw attention to violations of religious rights

WASHINGTON - An appeal drawn up by the residents of Pochayiv and the Ukrainian faithful of the region reports on the present condition of the Pochayiv Monastery according to the Smoloskyp Information Service.

The appeal was addressed to the United Nations. The full text appears below.

We, the inhabitants of Pochayiv and those faithful who come to Pochayiv, love the Pochayiv Monastery and therefore would like to draw attention to the fact that, given the recent behavior of the authorities, we fear that we will not be able to pray there much longer.

You are surely aware that the Soviet Union upholds human rights only on paper, and that in fact it practices blatant disregard of the rights of believers.

For example: the authorities have appropriated all the land, including the adjacent orchard, which was officially designated as a historical landmark; a whole section of the monastery was converted to an infirmary and for use by the city council; guards were stationed at the monastery's entrance gate; these guards constantly taunt and harass those who would like to enter; young women are forbidden to go to church; those who do go are molested and are often taken to police headquarters.

In the nearby Trovetsky Cathedral, there is a building, formerly (unclear), which was shut down 30 years ago and which has recently been transformed into a psychiatric hospital. They have also built a club next to the cathedral complex, which constitutes an infringement on the rights of the faithful, is disrespectful and, in general, distracting to the monks. The mentally ill who are brought here from various regions, make a lot of noise which interferes with the holding of services.

There are no facilities for the pilgrims; they have to stay in private lodgings. And those people who do put them up are fined by the police. The local authorities do not want to give up the rectory.

Housing has been set up on the cemetery grounds which in 1973 (1978?) were the site of the blessing of the miraculous icon. Chickens are left to run indiscriminately, the wash is hung up on the gravestones, graffito is scrawled on the monuments, the cemetery is desecrated and left to become rundown.

The human-rights guarantees, which were signed by Leonid Brezhnev in Helsinki, are not only being ignored but are outrightly violated by the local authorities.

We, the inhabitants and faithful of Pochaviv, appeal to you to defend our rights as believers in face of the ruthless power wielded by godless authorities.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 28, 1980, No. 31, Vol. LXXXVII

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