Kochman work appears on cover

CHICAGO - The cover picture of the November issue of the Chicago Artists' Coalition Newsletter is Alexandra Diachenko Kochman's ceramic wall piece "Circum Series #5."

Inside the newsletter Randy Sherman, art reporter, writes that Ms. Kochman recently has been working on a series of large-scale ceramic wall reliefs and that her pieces are characterized by contrasts in design, which she achieves by combining smooth and rough texture, dark and light colors, circular and square forms, and curved and straight lines. Ms. Kochman's sculptures are raku fired, which gives a piece a natural looking surface.

The author writes that Ms. Kochman has been exhibiting her work in Chicago and outside Chicago where she has had both group and one-woman shows. She tries to express her personal values, ideas and feelings in her work and is guided by aesthetic notions that aim toward uplifting the human spirit rather than those that portray unhappy human experiences. She believes that art should be promoted until it is a part of the daily experience of peoples lives.

The article also states that Ms. Kochman has ceramic pieces in a model Ukrainian house of the "European Village" at the Milwaukee Public Museum and that she was born in Ukraine.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 27, 1981, No. 52, Vol. LXXXVIII

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