Rusalka ensemble celebrates 20th

WINNIPEG - The Rusalka Dance Ensemble celebrated its 20th anniversary on Saturday, October 23, with a concert at Centennial Concert Hall here, which attracted 2,270 spectators.

Rusalka, described by the Winnipeg Free Press as "Manitoba's premier Ukrainian dance company," was first organized by Peter Hladun. With the cooperation of other members of the Ukrainian community, and under the auspices of the Ukrainian National Federation, the group began to flourish.

Judge Benjamin Hewak, a firm supporter and determined fund-raiser for the group, helped the group achieve the financial footing it needed to start touring. The group often travels without the funding of Canada Council or Manitoba Arts Council grants. Judge Hewak began aiding the group over 10 years ago. Since that time it has been to Mexico, Scotland, England, Ukraine, Italy, the United States and throughout Canada, dancing for Queen Elizabeth, Prince Phillip, Princess Margaret, Prince Charles and Pople John Paul II.

Although there are, at present, 48 dancers in the group, ranging in age from 17 to 32, about 400 dancers have passed through the ranks of the ensemble. All the dancers are strictly amateurs, devoting seven hours or more a week to perfecting their skills while juggling university studies or working careers with tours.

The dancers reflect the cultural heritage of all areas of Ukraine: they have learned a variety of styles of dancing from different regions, and wear costumes that are authntic to the regions they represent.

Besides the concert program that included an all-dance program of 17 works and a slide presentation honoring the Rusalka's 20th anniversary, the group was also scheduled to perform on hourlong special on CBC-TV, on October 21. A banquet and awards presentation in honor of the Rusalka Dance Ensemble was held at the Winnipeg Holiday Inn on Saturday, October 30.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 26, 1982, No. 52, Vol. L

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