D.C. action committee on famine established

by D. Korbutiak

WASHINGTON - A public meeting was held on Sunday, February 27, in the parish center of the Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine of the Holy Family to solicit the support of Washington's Ukrainian community in commemorating the 50th anniversary of the greatest tragedy in Ukrainian history - the Great Famine of 1932-33. This Ukrainian holocaust, created by Soviet authorities, claimed the lives of over 7 million victims.

As a result of the meeting, a special Washington Action Committee was elected in order to facilitate preparation for the solemn national observance of the Great Famine anniversary.

The meeting commenced with an invocation by the Rev. Stephen Shawel CSsR, pastor of the Ukrainian Catholic shrine. The meeting was called to order by Ihor Vitkovitsky. The presidium also included Marta Pereyma and Bohdan Kozak, secretary.

Stephen Procyk, public relations chairman of the National Committee to Commemorate Genocide Victims in Ukraine 1932-33, informed those present about the committee's composition and plans. The national committee was initiated by Metropolitan Mstyslav of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the U.S.A. The committee's plans call for the main part of the commemoration to take place in Washington due to the capital's political significance.

The Washington events would include: September hearings in the U.S. Congress on the Great Famine, with eyewitness testimony; a possible panel discussion on this topic; a large demonstration that would culminate in front of the Soviet Embassy; and a memorial concert in the Kennedy Arts Center with performances by various groups and soloists.

Both the demonstration and concert are scheduled for October 2. The National Committee will issue appropriate memoranda to the U.S. government, the U.S. Congress, foreign embassies, the United Nations, the media, universities, libraries and other important institutions to inform them about this Moscow-perpetrated genocide.

In order to carry out these plans, Mr. Procyk continued, the national committee needs the help of the local communities, which have professional ties to American institutions and of those individuals who have a special interest in realizing these goals.

An information office is being established in the St. Sophia Society Building in Washington, and it will be headed by Natalie Sluzar (former White House aide under President Jimmy Carter).

The cost of these commemorative efforts will be substantial, but the national committee is optimistic that the Ukrainian community will come through with the necessary funds because Great Famine commemorations are very much in line with the interests of the Ukrainian people.

In giving general information on the concert to be held at the Kennedy Center, George Powstenko, national program chairman, emphasized that more detailed information will be forthcoming once negotiations with performers have been completed. He did add that government officials, members of Congress and diplomats will be invited to the concert. A documentary exhibit on the horrors of the Great Famine will be on display in the foyer of the Kennedy Center.

During the discussion that followed, hope was expressed that the UCCA would cooperate with the national committee in order that the entire Ukrainian community rally all of its resources for this important cause. It was also brought up that the national committee should be responsible for generating support and encouraging large numbers of Ukrainians from neighboring states to participate in the Washington demonstration and memorial concert.

Following the discussion, a special Washington Action Committee was elected. Its members are: Andrij Balko, Andrij Bilyk, Rostyslav Chomiak, Victor Cooley, Volodymyr Demchuk, Jurij Dobczansky, Halyna Kochno, Dmytro Korbutiak, Marko Murowany, Ms. Pereyma, Ms. Sluzar, Sonia Sluzar, George Sajewych, Stephen Maksymiuk and Mr. Vitkovytsky. This committee will be augmented by those wishing to assist in its efforts. The Action Committee's honorary members include the pastors of the three area Ukrainian Churches: the Revs. Mykola Czurak, Taras Lonchyna and Shawel. The Washington committee will work closely with the national committee in order to bring about the realization of the aforementioned plans.

The meeting was closed with a prayer delivered by the Rev. Czurak of St. Andrew's Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 20, 1983, No. 12, Vol. LI

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