Percy names Kuropas to rights council

CHICAGO - Dr. Myron B. Kuropas, Ukrainian National Association supreme vice-president and special assistant for ethnic affairs to President Gerald R. Ford, was recently appointed to the Advisory Council on Religious Rights in Eastern Europe and the USSR.

The appointment to the 25-member body was made by Sen. Charles R. Percy (R-Ill.), who also serves as the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The council will advise the senator on religious issues in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.

Former President Ford is the honorary chairman of the council, which includes such prestigious members as former U.S. secretaries of state Dean Rusk, William P. Rogers and Alexander M. Haig.

Such community leaders as Cardinal Joseph Bernardin of Chicago and Aloysius Mazewski, head of the Polish National Alliance of the United States, also serve on the council.

The council's first public hearing will be held on Wednesday, November 9, from 9 a.m. to noon, at the Kluchinski Building, 232 S. Dearborn in Chicago. Dr. Kuropas will testify on human rights in Eastern Europe, especially in Ukraine, in the ceremonial courtroom on that day. Subsequent hearings will be held in Washington before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 23, 1983, No. 43, Vol. LI

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