U.S. bishops' Christmas message: celebrate with joy and hope

Christmas message of the Ukrainian Catholic bishops of the United States.

"Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth to men of good will!"

Very Reverend Fathers, Venerable Sisters, and Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

This captivating song telling of God's peace resounded over Bethlehem as it was sung by heavenly messengers, the angels, who announced to the inhabitants of this earthly planet that the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:5), the Savior of the World had come to us. "So that earth and heaven might be united" (carol). The holy, heavenly peace of God had come to us.

And it was from the earliest times that the human race longed for this peace, for each person desires peace and tranquillity. Nations and communities yearn for peace. Poets write of this peace. In our daily divine liturgy we pray for "peace in the world." At the end of each liturgy the priest implores God with these words: "Grant peace to the world, to your churches, to the priests, to our civil authorities and to all your people." The Child of Bethlehem is the King of Peace. Christ, our Savior, often spoke these words to his disciples: "Peace I leave you, my peace I give to you, a peace the world cannot give, this is my gift to you." (John 14:27)

Although the Divine Savior came out of love to earth, being born in a poor stable, in order to enrich us with heavenly treasures and to give us that true peace, history is always recording wars, combat, captivity, persecutions for truth and love, violations of human rights. We always hear the complaint that on earth there is no peace, why is this so? It is because the peace of Christ is found where there are people of "good will." "Those who love your law have great peace and for them there is no stumbling block" (Psalm 119:165). Peace will reign upon the earth only when people observe the laws of God, when the children of God turn to Him with their whole heart, when people live their lives in accord with Christ's precepts of truth, for the "truth will free us" (John 8:32). The truth of Christ will fortify peace on this earth.

During this Christmas season, the solemn feast of the birth of the Redeemer of the World, the King of Peace, we, your bishops, pray to the Divine Child to "Bless his people with peace" (Psalm 29:11). We hasten to you, dear brothers and sisters, with the words of the divine liturgy which you so frequently hear: "Peace be to all." We, with sincere hearts, wish you the peace of Christ during this holy year of redemption. May His holy love dwell in your faith filled souls, in your Christian hearts, in your families, in your parish communities, in all your organizations everywhere.

The Old Testament psalmist cried out: "Pray for peace in Jerusalem" (Psalm 122:6). We, by the grace of God's providence, enjoy the sweetness of freedom in this land; let us ask the Holy Infant, Divine Redeemer of the World, to bless our native Ukrainian Jerusalem with peace. May our captive Ukraine, our enchained Church behind the Iron Curtain and all nations experience the kingdom of peace and love.

Celebrate Christmas with joy, with Jesus in your hearts. Receive the Holy Child into your hearts in holy communion. Open the doors of your heart that the Prince of Peace might be the divine guest of your soul.

Celebrate with the hope that the Bethlehem star will soon shine upon our fatherland and that our brothers and sisters in Ukraine may hear the joyous exultation of the angels: "Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth..."

We, your bishops, will remember each of you in a special manner during this holy season of Christ's birthday.

"Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ" (Ephesians 1:2).

Archbishop-Metropolitan of Philadelphia

Bishop of Stamford

Bishop of Chicago

Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia Metropolitan

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 25, 1983, No. 52, Vol. LI

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