Ukrainian National Association

This year was a pre-convention year for the Ukrainian National Association, and the fraternal organization was as busy as ever. The UNA supreme Assembly voted on January 26, to allocate $1 million for seniors housing at and near the Soyuzivka resort. Phase one of the housing, a 10-room residence on the resort grounds, was begun this fall.

The UNA also donated $5,000 toward Ethiopian famine relief, $25,000 to the renovation of the Statue of Liberty, $50,000 for the Ukrainian encyclopedia project and $100,000 for scholarships to deserving students for the 1985-86 academic year. And these were just the larger donations made during the year by "Batko Soyuz." Scores of other grants were given during the year to myriad organizations and causes.

On May 22, nearly 400 persons, including senators, congressmen administration officials and government staffers were hosted by the UNA at a Washington reception at the Russell Senate Office Building. The reception celebrated 100 years of Ukrainian settlement in the United States and was also meant to serve as a thank-you to those members of Congress who support Ukrainian causes.

During 1985 the UNA supreme Assembly also voted to allocate $100,000 to efforts aimed at countering the defamation of the Ukrainian nation. As a result, the Ukrainian Heritage Defense Committee was established, and at year's end all was go for the opening of a fully staffed Washington office of the UHDC.

The UNA did not neglect cultural endeavors during 1985. This was the year that Soyuz sponsored the U.S. tour of the two Australian performing ensembles, the Tchaika choir of Melbourne and the Veselka dance troupe of Sydney. Among the tour highlights was an October 9 performance at the United Nations.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 29, 1985, No. 52, Vol. LIII

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