Reactions to nuclear disaster

UNA telegram to President Ronald Reagan (April 29).

Dear Mr. President:

In the name of our 78,000 members and in the name of the Ukrainian American community, we implore you to use every means at your disposal to determine the extent of the nuclear catastrophe occurring at Chornobyl, near Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, and offer every possible aid to the population afflicted by the disaster.

The Ukrainian National Association stands ready to extend a helping hand within our means to our suffering brethren. We await your call.

In the name of humanitarianism let us not be found wanting in extending succor to the suffering victims of this calamity.

Executive Committee
Ukrainian National Association

UNA telegram to Vice-President George Bush (April 29).

Dear Mr. Bush:

Our entire membership of 78,000 joins the Ukrainian American community in urging you to use every possible means at your disposal to determine fully the reasons for, the extent of, and the ramifications that can be expected from the nuclear calamity occurring at Chornobyl near Kiev, capital of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian National Association can be depended upon to do its part to alleviate within its means the suffering of the population brought about by this great catastrophe.

As in the past, we are certain that America will come to the aid of suffering humanity and provide every comfort in their hour of dire need to the residents of Chornobyl and environs.

Kindly inform us of the part that the Ukrainian National Association can play in rendering aid to our brethren.

Executive Committee
Ukrainian National Association

Statement by Archbishop Metropolitan Stephen Sulyk of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United States to the news media (April 29).

We express our deep concern for the fate of our suffering brothers and sisters in Ukraine and for all humankind whose lives and the lives of their posterity will be adversely affected by this disaster. This tragedy against life adds to the burden of an enslaved people in Soviet Ukraine and we object as all must to the totalitarian atheistic Soviet government's blanket of secrecy on the event of this proportion that affects every living being on this planet. The clergy and people of the Ukrainian Catholic Metropolitan Province of Philadelphia offer their prayers for God's help and mercy.

Statement by the Ukrainian Medical Association of New York (April 29).

The Ukrainian medical community is deeply concerned and shocked at the tragedy in Ukraine. We are outraged, although not surprised, at the negligence and disregard for human life as witnessed by the lack of safety measures at the Chornobyl plant. The Soviet Union has long had a history of transgressions of medical ethics, standards and practice. But their unpreparedness and cover-up in such an international event is unconscionable and reveals their disregard not only for their own people, but those of the international community. Our lines of communication are open, and we stand ready to assist efforts of aiding those Ukrainians in need of medicine or supplies. We call for a full disclosure of facts so any aid may be effective.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 4, 1986, No. 18, Vol. LIV

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