SUSTA cites Solidarity Day

WASHINGTON - The Federation of Ukrainian Student Organizations of America (SUSTA) is urging its members and student clubs throughout the United States to hold rallies and hunger strikes on January 12, 1987, to demonstrate their solidarity with Ukrainian political prisoners.

Ukrainian journalist Vyacheslav Chornovil chose January 12 as a day of protest against the massive repressions that were unleashed on that day in 1972. Soviet-Russian authorities unleashed these repressions in an effort to halt the broad-based movement for human and national rights which has flourished in Ukraine within the last 20 years, said the SUSTA executive in a news release.

The releases urged members to take leadership roles in organizing hunger strikes throughout the country and to work together with SUM-A, Plast, ODUM, TUSM, and other student and youth organizations in making the event a success;

In the past years, President Ronald Reagan has sent telegrams to students observing this day. In one of the telegrams the President stated: "This occasion is a reminder of the Ukrainian prisoners' of conscience devotion to the noblest aspirations of the human spirit: the desire for freedom and the resistance to the imposition of inhumane political ideas and system."

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 28, 1986, No. 52, Vol. LIV

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