Kiev meeting honors Sakharov

LONDON - A meeting dedicated to the memory of Dr. Andrei Sakharov, academician and human rights campaigner and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, took place in Kiev on December 17, with 30,000 persons in attendance.

The London-based Ukrainian Press Agency reported that at the memorial meeting, organized by Rukh, or the Popular Movement of Ukraine for Perebudova, there were many Ukrainian blue and yellow flags, as well as the Israeli flag.

Speakers condemned the inhumane system, which the deceased had fought against. There were calls to rename squares and streets in honor of Dr. Sakharov. One speaker called for the removal of Dzerzhinsky's statue and the renaming of the square for Sakharov.

Those present called unanimously for the abolition of Article 6 of the USSR Constitution which provides for a one-party state. The meeting decided that a demonstration and a procession would be held on December 24. It was also decided to publish Dr. Sakharov's alternative draft constitution of the USSR.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 31, 1989, No. 53, Vol. LVII

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