UNA appeal: To our brothers and sisters in Ukraine

In the name of the Ukrainian National Association and its 70,000 members we sincerely greet you with your great success on the path to attaining the complete independence of Ukraine.

The Act of Declaration of the Independence of Ukraine and the creation of an independent Ukrainian state - Ukraine - has brought us great joy and filled us with pride for your persistent progress toward that great goal: the renewal of the Ukrainian state which so many times had been robbed from us, during the princely period, during the time of the Kozak state and the Hetmanates of Khmelnytsky and Mazepa, and during the tragic days of the unified Ukrainian National Republic of 1918 and 1919.

We wish you much strength and endurance in your further struggle to have the people of Ukraine buttress the state sovereignty of Ukraine as proclaimed on July 16, 1490, and the independence of Ukraine declared on August 24 of this year. We are certain that during the referendum on December 1 you will all vote in solidarity for the independence of Ukraine.

We call on all of you to stand up in solidarity and work toward the consummation of this great goal. Simultaneously we ask you, dear brothers and sisters, to accept our assurances of complete support for your just struggle for freedom and independence in the renewed democratic state of Ukraine.

May the Almighty Lord bless you and grant you fortitude, wisdom and solidarity in the struggle for the rebuilding of our dear homeland, Ukraine.

Ulana M. Diachuk
Supreme President

Walter Sochan
Supreme Secretary

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 1, 1991, No. 35, Vol. LIX

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