Rukh greets diaspora with independence

To Our Fellow Countrymen in the Diaspora

Kiev, December 3,1991

We extend our greetings to you - our brothers and sisters in the diaspora, on the occasion of the clearly manifested will of the Ukrainian nation to attain full, sovereign independence as confirmed by the decisive results of the referendum.

We embrace you in gratitude for the support, encouragement and cooperation that you have shown us.

We look forward to welcoming you in a free, independent Ukraine so that we may work together, in a concerted effort, at building a full-fledged democratic state, one which shows a genuine concern for its citizens and is worthy of the world's respect.

Throughout this time you have not failed your homeland and your loved ones, and we are certain that we will continue to work closely together for the well-being of Ukraine.

Citizens' Referendum Council
Rukh, the Popular Movement of Ukraine
Ivan Drach
Mykhailo Horyn
Petro Talanchuk
Oles Lavrynovych
Viktor Burlakov

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 8, 1991, No. 49, Vol. LIX

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