Canada recognizes Ukraine

OTTAWA - Prime Minister Brian Mulroney announced on Monday, December 2 that Canada has decided to recognize Ukraine as an independent state.

The Prime Minister noted that reports from Canadian observers indicate that Ukraine has conducted a free and democratic referendum. He said that the massive and overwhelming vote testifies to the strong desire of the people of Ukraine for an independent country.

Canada will shortly open negotiations on establishing diplomatic relations with Ukraine.

As part of hose negotiations, Canada will wish to be satisfied with respect to Ukraine's stated intentions that it will: ensure that nuclear weapons remain under secure control until they are disposed of; comply with existing arms control, disarmament and other international agreements; and, adhere to the principles of the Helsinki Final Act, the Charter of Paris and other CSCE documents, with particular attention to full respect for human rights and the protection of minorities.

The Prime Minister confirmed that senior officials will be going to Kiev in the coming days to convey Canada's position and to begin the process of negotiations.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 8, 1991, No. 49, Vol. LIX

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