Let us begin anew by exclaiming the traditional "Christ is Born!"

Patriarchal Nativity epistle to the most reverend bishops, venerable clergy and devout brethren of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church.

Dearly beloved:

"Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, and goodwill among men..." resounds the canticle intoned by angels. In our homeland this canticle has taken on new meaning this year. The Star of Bethlehem, too, which shines above the manger of the newly born Christ-child, is beheld differently by the people of Ukraine during this Nativity night. And everyone wonders, for even the sun and other heavenly bodies illuminate Ukraine in an altogether distinct fashion.

Some people are overcome with joy; others are oppressed with grief and fear. And let us not be astounded at the dissonance of these emotions. Many people have forgotten God's commandments and laws; they have put their faith in the power of slave-holders and pharisees and do not remember how to live in a manner pleasing to God. Hence, their fear and their lack of faith.

There is a number of those among us who do not believe that God is merciful and that He has manifested His compassion to the Ukrainian people by taking them under His care.

However, will God's favor indeed put an end to the wailing of Ukrainian mothers, those hard-working women who many a time have wept over their children and husbands? Will there indeed be no more hunger, persecution or crime?

Show interest in these questions; inquire about them. Turn to God with these very questions. He will help you gain understanding, provide answers to all your questions. And He will reward you all according to your deeds.

Do not be afraid of your future, for it will be filled with good fortune and jubilation, if we live according to the prescription of St. Paul the apostle: "Be awake to all the dangers; stay firm in the faith; be brave and be strong. Let everything you do be done in love" (I Cor. 16:13-14).

This, my dearly beloved, is the reality with which we must come to terms. Let us therefore begin anew by exclaiming the traditional "Christ is born - Let us glorify Him."

We give thanks to You, our God, for the kindness which You have shown in liberating us and making us equal to the other free nations of this world. Help us find the correct path and help us walk this path into the future. Let us not deviate from it.

Give us, God, the strength and endurance required for the trying task of rebuilding our culture, the sciences, the economy, the political life and all other things requisite for man's existence in today's world.

Forgive us, God, our trespasses as well as the transgressions of our forefathers. Forgive us our sins and mistakes!

Allow us to begin our new lives with the prayer: "Bozhe Velykyi, Yedynyi... O Great and Only God..."

Be always and everywhere present among us and among those who will share our future with us on the land which You have destined for us...

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters, my children, if you only knew how delighted I am when I see your joyful faces, how fervently I pray for your continued happiness and health. I pray that you may not be misled by evil men, who will come to you disguised under white hoods, in black robes and wearing gold crosses adorned with precious stones. It is of them that you should most beware. Do not believe them!

In greeting you on the occasion of the great feast of the Nativity of our Lord, I also call you to assist our President and our Government in their tremendous efforts to lay a foundation under our fledgling Christian country.

Illuminated by the radiance of the Star of Bethlehem, which heralds to the world the birth of the Christ-child, let us promise to live in peace and harmony, to be courageous and steadfast in our faith, to be moderate and laborious, to be honest and responsible in all of our actions and in the fulfillment of our duties.

Let us be aware - and this is not to be taken as an intimidation but as a reminder - that not only our future, but also the future of coming generations depends on our relationship with the Almighty and on whether we will heed His Commandments in our everyday lives. This, of course, applies not only to the Ukrainian people, but to all of those who are sharing the fate of our nation.

This year's Nativity Epistle I shall conclude with the words of Ukraine's President Leonid Kravchuk, who has called on us "... to build a magnificent Shrine in testimony to our faith and gratitude to God for having showered us with His infinite mercy." Thus, let us assist Him in building this Shrine for the glory of God and His Son, Who was born for our salvation and Whom we shall glorify for ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Christ is born - Let us glorify Him!

Patriarch of Kiev and all Ukraine

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 3, 1993, No. 1, Vol. LXI

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