The U.S. government is increasing pressure on Ukraine to immediately ratify the START and Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaties. The Ukrainian Parliament is concerned about the security of Ukraine once all nuclear weapons are removed from Ukrainian soil, and the Ukrainian government has asked for national security assurances, which the U.S. has not been willing to provide.

With the Russian Parliament already making territorial claims against Ukraine, ratification of the arms control treaties without very specific security guarantees from the United States and/or NATO would threaten the very existence of Ukraine as an independent nation.

Ukrainian Americans are urged to write to their senators and representatives, asking that the United States sign a treaty or agreement with Ukraine to guarantee Ukraine's security from attack or threat of attack by any nuclear power as a condition of Ukraine's ratification of START and the NPT.

The addresses for representatives and senators are:

U S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

- submitted by the UNA Washington Office

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 10, 1993, No. 2, Vol. LXI

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