Parochial school students present concert of carols

The children of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic School in Newark, N.J., performed before an audience of parents, guests and parishioners at the annual concert of traditional Christmas carols of various lands, held December 20, 1992. Featured were the upper and lower grade choirs, under the direction of Zirka Bereza; soloists Maria Wolansky and V. Smishkevych; and St. John the Baptist Church Choir. The concert culminated with a nativity performance by the younger children, dressed in Ukrainian costumes, incorporating carols and recitation, and choreographed by the dancers of the Roma Pryma Bohachevsky School of Ballet and Ukrainian Dance. The concert concluded with brief remarks by the Rev. Michael Wiwchar, pastor.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 10, 1993, No. 2, Vol. LXI

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