Warren Christopher speaks on Ukraine

by Eugene M. Iwanciw

The first indicators of the Clinton administration's policy toward Ukraine were provided during the Senate confirmation hearings on Warren Christopher's nomination to be secretary of state. In addition to the public hearing, Senate Foreign Relations Committee members submitted a series of written questions for Mr. Christopher. His written response to the questions suggest that the new administration will be following in the footsteps of the previous administration regarding Ukraine.

The two questions and answers addressing Ukraine follow.

Q: What steps should the United States government take to assuage Ukrainian fears regarding its national security?

A: When Ukraine keeps its promise to President Bush to join the NPT as a non-nuclear state, it will be eligible for security assistance that the U.S., U.K., and Russia have given other non-nuclear signatories.

Q: Do you agree with the Bush administration's plan to partially compensate Ukraine for the destruction of its nuclear weapons?

A: We welcome the Nunn-Lugar initiative to help pay for the safety, security and dismantlement of former Soviet nuclear weapons, including those in Ukraine.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 7, 1993, No. 6, Vol. LXI

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