Business Digest releases clever 1993 calendar

WESTPORT, Conn. - The Ukrainian Business Digest has released a limited edition 1993 calendar featuring the best of two years of the political cartoons of its art editor, Matt Davies.

The black and white, pen and ink sketches cover subjects ranging from the backward state of Soviet-developed technology to political commentary on the current state of Ukraine's economy.

One caricature shows three staid representatives of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development standing with bags of dollars in hand and watching from across a street as Kyyivans queue for toilet paper. One of the international bankers is saying "So... where do we start?" while an apparatchik crouches behind him scooping up fistfuls of money from an open tear in one bag.

Other cartoons focus on relations between Ukraine and Russia, the politics of President Leonid Kravchuk, the Black Sea Fleet conflict, the economy and everyday life.

The Ukrainian Business Digest is a monthly report on the business climate in Ukraine published by International Information Systems in Westport, Conn.

The calendar costs $10 but is available free with a renewal or new subscription to the Ukrainian Business Digest at an annual price of $495. Send check or credit card information to International Information Systems, P.O. Box 3127, Westport, CT 06880-8127. To order via telephone: (203) 221-7450; via fax: (203) 221-7414.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 7, 1993, No. 6, Vol. LXI

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