To Our Youth

Following is the full text of the first editorial in the premiere issue of the Ukrainian Weekly. It is published below exactly as it appeared in that first issue on October 6, 1933.

With this number we begin the publication of a regular weekly supplement to the "Svoboda," to be known as the "Ukrainian Weekly" and to be devoted exclusively to the benefit of the American-Ukrainian youth.

The Ukrainian National Association has undertaken to bear the extra cost of this publication, in order to give our youth the opportunity of having an exclusive organ of its own; written in its own style and language; wherein it can meet, exchange its thoughts and ideas, come to a better understanding of each other, and perhaps point out those paths of endeavor which shall lead to a newer and better life.

The "Ukrainian Weekly" is for the youth. The youth alone shall be its master. Its voice alone shall be heeded here. And all that we desire from our readers, in order to continue this organ as such, is just a little good will and co-operation. It is necessary that the youth read it. It is necessary, further, that the youth become interested in it and give it their support, so that it shall grow and flourish to the point wherein it will embrace every phase of the life of our American-Ukrainian youth.

The Ukrainian National Association is prepared to cheerfully make even further expenditures in order to enlarge this organ in scope and size, provided however, that the youth desires it. And in order to achieve this goal, the youth must not only read this weekly, it must also contribute articles to it. Our youth must strive to become members of the Ukrainian National Association and as such, endeavor to make this organization, which with the passage of time shall pass into it hands, bigger and better.

This is not the first venture of its kind made by the Ukrainian National Association to do something for our youth. During the forty years of its existence the Association has contributed vast sums of money for the upbringing of our youth, both in America and Ukraine. The Association published booklets and newspapers for our youth in the Ukrainian language, and also in the Ukrainian and English languages; and during the last seven years published "The Ukrainian Juvenile Magazine." In addition, the Association inaugurated English contributions to our daily, the "Svoboda," which provided to be of great benefit to our youth.

All of this indicates that the Ukrainian National Association, in an effort to help our youth, has gone more than half way to meet it. It is true, of course, that perhaps the method of approach by the older generation was not the proper one at times; but at any rate, it was sincere and inspired by idealism. If any mistakes were made, there is still time to remedy them; if any grains were made, let us retain them. To study this problem, will be one of the tasks of this organ.

In youth one dreams and hopes; that is what we need. We want the youth that dreams, and then goes to work and makes the dreams come true. We need the fresh ideas of youth, and that unconquerable fighting spirit of our Cossack ancestors.

We are living in a mighty country which was built upon dreams and ideas; a country where nothing is impossible; where air castles are succeeded by concrete achievements; and where the dreams of yesterday are the realities of today. Such is the spirit that we, the American-Ukrainian youth, need. Such is the spirit which shall raise high our Ukrainian name and our culture here in America.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 10, 1993, No. 41, Vol. LXI

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