
Below is the text of a statement addressed to "young American-Ukrainians" by President Nicholas Murashko of the Ukrainian National Association. The statement appeared on the front page of the Ukrainian weekly's first issue, dated October 6, 1933.

For the past thirty-nine years Ukrainian immigrants in America have been building up the Ukrainian National Association, together with its organ, "Svoboda" - the first newspaper edited in the Ukrainian language in America.

From a humble beginning the Ukrainian National Association has grown during these years into a nationwide three million dollar fraternal organization, with thirty-five thousand members; and the "Svoboda" from a weekly issue to the largest Ukrainian daily in America.

Coincident with this growth of the Ukrainian National Association and its "Svoboda," has been the growth of the younger generation of American-Ukrainians.

Today, the paths of these two elements, the Association and the American-Ukrainian youth, have met. The time has come when this youth must begin to take over the reins of the Association from its builders. It must begin to assume the burdens as well as the benefits of its parents.

That is the principal problem before us today - the problem of your youth taking over and continuing the tasks of the older generation.

For a long time we have been calling and are still urging the youth to take a greater interest in the Association, to become more active in it, to gradually take over the reins not only of the supreme executive assembly but of all local branches as well.

Our organization is so constructed that it is run solely by its members. In order to take a hand in the running of this organization, one must be a member of it. In any organization whatsoever, membership coupled with activity can build the organization to greater and better heights. This is what young American-Ukrainians should realize before they can take over the reins of our, or for that matter, any other organization.

And yet, despite our callings and urgings, the youth declares that it is not given a "chance" to do its part. That is wrong, for the "chance" is already there for the taking. It only requires some personal initiative and hard work.

Again, a chance or opportunity is not a guarantee of success. Opportunity plus unstinted work spells success. Only hard work and unceasing efforts lead to recognition, not only among our people, but other peoples as well. Therefore, before our youth can take over the reins of our institutions, it must first show proof of its ability to do so.

Therefore, to give this long sought for "chance" to every young Ukrainian in America, the Ukrainian National Association, with the cooperation and help of its Junior Department, is sponsoring the "Ukrainian Weekly," edited in the English language. This paper shall serve as a medium through which the American-Ukrainian youth can build up not only the Ukrainian National Association, but also institutions of commercial, industrial and cultural nature.

I am sincerely convinced that with the highest cooperation and interest of the young American-Ukrainians, the "Ukrainian Weekly" shall grow and flourish. I, as the president of the Ukrainian National Association, wish the paper the best of success.


N. Murashko, President of the Ukrainian National Association

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 10, 1993, No. 41, Vol. LXI

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