Sen. Dennis DeConcini

Following is the full text of a statement submitted into the Congressional Record.

Mr. President. On October 6, The Ukrainian Weekly, which is published by the Ukrainian National Association, will celebrate its 60th anniversary. This English-language newspaper began publishing in 1933, a year infamous for the devastation of Stalin's forcible famine in Ukraine. The Ukrainian Weekly provided news about the Famine - something that was truly necessary, as there was tragically little coverage of the Famine at that time. Its important work has continued since then.

Throughout the last 60 years, The Ukrainian Weekly has provided an extremely valuable service in bringing to the attention of the Ukrainian American community and other interested Americans news concerning Ukraine, as well as about the Ukrainian American community. It has been, and continues to be, an important resource to the United States Congress. Since its inception, The Ukrainian Weekly has provided solid information together with insightful commentary on the struggle of the people of Ukraine for their human rights and national dignity. In so doing, it has played a vital role in advancing the cause of Ukraine's independence.

The Ukrainian Weekly also serves as an important channel for informing the Ukrainian American community about Congressional actions affecting Ukraine, thus building support for various initiatives in the Congress. This was helpful, for example, in the passage of legislation I introduced in the Senate on U.S. recognition of Ukrainian independence and on the Millennium of Christianity in Kyyivan Rus'. The Ukrainian Weekly has also been helpful by familiarizing its readership with other efforts of the Helsinki Commission (CSCE), on which I serve as chairman, including the commission's work in the past on issues such as the Ukrainian Churches and individual Ukrainian political prisoners, and on its more recent reports and initiatives dealing with Ukraine.

The Ukrainian Weekly continues to provide breaking news and analysis of developments in independent Ukraine, chronicling the ongoing historical efforts to rebuild Ukraine following the devastating experience of Soviet domination. Under the able leadership of Editor-in-Chief Roma Hadzewycz, the entire staff of The Ukrainian Weekly is to be commended for their dedication and commitment in putting out a first-rate newspaper. I congratulate The Ukrainian Weekly on its 60th anniversary and express my best wishes for its continued success.

Gov. Jim Florio

Dear Mrs. Hadzewycz:

I wish to extend my congratulations to you and your staff on the 60th anniversary of The Ukrainian Weekly.

We are proud of our Ukrainian citizens and the important contributions they have made to New Jersey. Publications such as The Ukrainian Weekly are crucial to carry on the heritage and traditions of Ukrainian Americans as well as to transmit important news to the community. You and your staff are to be complimented on your professional attention to accuracy and detail.

It is a tribute to Ukrainian Americans that the community has recognized the value of and supported such a well-respected publication for 60 years. Please accept my best wishes on the occasion of your 60th anniversary.

Very truly yours,
Jim Florio

Deputy Prime Minister Mykola Zhulynsky

Esteemed Friends:

I extend sincere greetings to the worker's collective of The Ukrainian Weekly on your glorious jubilee - 60 years ago to this day, the first issue of your newspaper appeared. Ever since, your newspaper has been the bearer of truth about Ukraine.

As an English-language publication, The Weekly has been accessible to millions of readers, from members of the U.S. Congress, U.S. presidential administrations or members of Canada's Parliament, to the average worker, functionary or intellectual in America.

The Weekly has published and continues to feature articles by scholars, journalists, politicians and community activists of both Ukrainian as well as non-Ukrainian backgrounds.

It is gratifying that for three years now, since the establishment of The Weekly's press bureau in Kyyiv, your correspondents have sought to provide highly detailed reports about the life of our Motherland.

I wish the collective of the newspaper the best of health, inspiration, and every success in your creative and journalistic endeavors.

Mykola Zhulynsky
Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine

Supreme Council Chairman Ivan Pliushch

To the Editorial Staff of The Ukrainian Weekly:

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of The Ukrainian Weekly, I would like to extend sincere greetings to the editorial staff and The Weekly's readership.

The Weekly came into being at a most tragic time for Ukraine, at the time when the Stalinist leadership organized the Great Famine in Ukraine which resulted in the genocide of millions of its citizens. I am well aware that the first issues of The Ukrainian Weekly carried reports of these terrible events.

Throughout its existence, The Weekly has informed its readers about events in Ukraine as well as about the life of those Ukrainians who were dispersed throughout the world, all the while nurturing in its readers the hope that there would come a time when Ukraine would become an independent, democratic state. That time has now come; the task of building a new Ukraine is currently under way under difficult circumstances.

I would like to take this opportunity to extend greetings to our countrymen, fellow Ukrainians in the U.S., Canada and other countries of the Ukrainian diaspora. I would very much like for them to maintain a close bond to Ukraine, and for them to give of themselves in contributing to its rebuilding. Ukraine is their native land.

With best wishes to the readers of The Ukrainian Weekly,

Ivan Pliushch
Chairman of the Supreme Council of Ukraine

Rukh Chairman Vyacheslav Chornovil

My Dear Colleagues:

I am happy that The Ukrainian Weekly is celebrating such a significant event - its 60th anniversary - and that, given the paper's age, its staff is so young and talented. You have every reason to be proud of your accomplishments and I congratulate you.

Your paper is one of the best Ukrainian publications issued outside of Ukraine. In making information on Ukraine accessible to the English-speaking world, it has contributed to Ukraine's achievement of independence and world recognition.

Today, with your strict objectivity in reporting on the complex period of state-building which Ukraine is undergoing, you render far more assistance to Ukraine than could any euphoric or one-sided Ukrainian publication in the diaspora.

On behalf of Rukh and its members, I thank you for your objective coverage of the Popular Movement of Ukraine - Rukh.

With all best wishes, I remain,

Sincerely yours,
Vyacheslav Chornovil
Chairman of Rukh
People's Deputy of Ukraine

URP Chairman Mykhailo Horyn

To the Editorial Staff of The Ukrainian Weekly:

The leadership of the Ukrainian Republican Party (URP) extends its sincere greetings to The Ukrainian Weekly on its 60th anniversary, with best wishes for continuing its work of disseminating objective information about Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora among citizens of the U.S. and Canada.

Since its founding in 1933 - the tragic year of the Ukrainian holocaust, your newspaper, countering the tide of disinformation from the Communist press, has reported truthfully on the events that transpired in a subjugated Ukraine.

In recent years, your paper has offered extensive coverage on the activity of the URP and its leadership.

January 1991 marked the beginning of a new period in the activities of The Weekly. The permanent press bureau in Kyyiv has expanded the newspaper's potential to shed light on a difficult period in the complex process of state-building.

The URP hopes that your periodical will play a significant role in promoting mutual understanding between Ukraine and America, and will act as a catalyst for the consolidation of efforts made by the Ukrainian communities in the U.S. and Canada in undertaking the construction of the Ukrainian state.

Mykhailo Horyn
Chairman, URP

Information Dep't, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

To The Ukrainian Weekly:

The Ukrainian Weekly, which was founded thanks to the financial support of the working class of the first Ukrainian emigration, has become an important source of information for the Ukrainian intelligentsia.

Throughout its history, the publication has maintained its own profile. Its outstanding characteristics have been truthful, informative and analytical reporting, a broad thematic scope, and a special dedication to Ukrainian history and culture.

We also value The Weekly for its consistent political line. Through difficult times, the newspaper upheld the ideals of Ukrainian independence and democracy, and always fought for human rights and individual liberties.

The Ukrainian Weekly was and continues to be one of the few periodicals which has consistently carried accurate information on Ukraine to English-speaking readers, and which has bravely stood against those who oppose our statehood, and those who would besmirch the good name of Ukraine in the world.

The Ukrainian Weekly has carried on its ceaseless and arduous labor for 60 years now, and has reached the age of maturity and wisdom. Therefore, I extend my congratulations to the newspaper, to its editor-in-chief and the editorial staff, and wish you continued development, inspiration and journalistic success, and may you always have an appreciative readership.

Yuriy Sergeyev
Information Department
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 10, 1993, No. 41, Vol. LXI

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