Sen. McConnell on aid to Ukraine

Following is an excerpt from an interview conducted by UNAW with Sen. Mitch McConnell.

Q: Why did you want to earmark funds for Ukraine?

A: I argued strongly that Ukraine deserves special recognition in this bill. The U.S. can and should encourage the process of privatization and democratic reforms if we want to see Ukraine achieve its potential and play a stabilizing role in the region.

Q: What did you say when Chairman Obey said this would be offensive to Yeltsin?

A: I told him he had just made my case about the basic problem in our relationship with Ukraine. For too long we have viewed Ukraine through Moscow's eyes. This is a vital, independent nation deserving unique recognition.

Q: Was aid to Ukraine conditioned?

A: The House wanted to condition aid but I won the argument against any restrictions. Although there are no conditions in the bill, I do think it continues to be important to Congress that Ukraine hold elections, make progress in privatizing and move forward on ratification of existing arms control agreements.

Q: Do you think the arms control agreements are the only important issue?

A: I hope this assistance offers Ukraine the assurance that America intends to be a strong, steady partner. With confidence in our new bilateral commitment, there should be little standing in the way of prompt progress on these agreements which serve both Ukraine and U.S. national security interests.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 10, 1993, No. 41, Vol. LXI

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