For the record

Ulana Diachuk's acceptance speech

Below is the text of the English-language portion of Ulana Diachuk's acceptance speech delivered on May 10 as she was re-elected supreme president of the Ukrainian National Association.

Dear delegates, so close to my heart:

Dear UNA family:

This jubilee convention is about to end. I wish to express my sincere gratitude for your trust in electing me to the leadership of this organization for another four-year term. In extending my thanks, I must also ask your cooperation, because all our problems can be solved only if we try to solve them together; thus, they will eventually be transformed to our joint successes.

My thanks go out also to those delegates who correctly understood that the future of this organization lies to a great extent in their hands and cast their votes in favor of candidates from the younger generation who indicated their willingness to work in the General Assembly for the benefit and growth of the UNA. We have great hope in their contributions.

It is with a sad heart that I have to accept the departure from our Executive Committee of Supreme Secretary Walter Sochan. We both shared many successes as well as innumerable problems throughout 44 years of work at the Home Office. Mr. Sochan, on behalf of my husband and myself, and from all assembled here in this great hall, our sincere and warmest wishes for good health, happy and long retirement years, and lots of pleasure and fun in raising your grandchildren. Many thanks for your promises to help us with your advice and knowledge based on your long-time experience. We, that is I and your successor, certainly will need it and will call on you in the future.

My thanks go out to the Convention Presidium, John Flis, Peter Savaryn and Wasyl Kolodchin, for their exemplary leadership of this convention.

Once again we all must extend our gratitude and sincere thanks to Michael Komichak and to each and every member of the Convention Committee for all the long hours of planning all our convention activities and then so expertly executing those plans.

Only the hard work of convention committees can result in a successful five-day convention. Therefore, I extend, on behalf of us all, our gratitude to all the members of the By-Laws, Credentials and Financial committees, who began their work prior to the opening of the convention; and to members of the Elections, Press, Resolutions, Secretaries, and Petitions committees, who deliberated during the convention. All of you, ladies and gentlemen, through long hours and many meetings utilizing your knowledge and experience, formulated recommendations and resolutions for the consideration of the delegates and their subsequent approval.

At this point, I must express my regrets, dear delegates, for the unnecessary atmosphere of tension and uncertainty that was created on the first day of our deliberations. It was my hope and intention that this convention in particular would start on a positive note and would reflect our determination to overcome all adversities.

There is no one who does not make mistakes; but it is also true that no one can satisfy everyone. Only if we look at each problem calmly will we be able to make the right decisions in order to arrive at solutions.

I urge you to become involved in aiding Ukraine. Although Ukraine is an independent nation, it is struggling under the burden of many difficulties. We must extend our hearts and our hands to the people of Ukraine. As well, we must open our pockets in order to help them overcome these difficulties.

In closing, my best wishes for good health, strength and determination in your work for the good of the UNA, and a safe trip back home. See you soon.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 15, 1994, No. 20, Vol. LXII

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