Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church names two bishops for Lviv

LVIV - The Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, under the leadership of Cardinal Myroslav Ivan Lubachivsky, in its February 20-27 session named the Rev. Julian Gbur and the Rev. Vasyl (Ihor) Medvit OSBM as auxiliary bishops for the Archeparchy of Lviv, the press office of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church reported on May 4. The Rev. Gbur has been given the titular See of Bareta, and the Rev. Medvit has been given the titular See of Adriane.

In accordance with the code of Canon Law of the Eastern Churches, this decision was presented to the Holy See, and on May 4 was officially announced simultaneously in Rome and Lviv.

The Rev. Gbur was born November 14, 1942, in Bryzawa, Poland. He completed studies in the Missionary Seminary of the Verbist Fathers in Pieniezno (1959-1970). He entered the Society of the Divine Word (Verbists) on September 8, 1959, and made his solemn profession of vows on February 21, 1961. The Rev. Gbur was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Adam Kozlowecki on June 21, 1970.

He has served as vicar general of the Eparchy of Peremyshl since 1991 and as pastor of the parishes of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Gorowo Ilaweckie and of St. Michael the Archangel in Pieniezno.

The Rev. Medvit was born July 23, 1949, in Peremyshl. He received his diploma in veterinary medicine at the Akademia Rolnicza in Lublin (1965-1973). In 1979-1981, he studied at the Metropolitanate Seminary of St. John the Baptist in Warsaw. From 1981 to 1984, the Rev. Medvit studied at the Pontifical University Anselmianum in Rome, in 1986, he received his license in theology from the Pontifical Institute Theresianum, also in Rome.

On December 26, 1978, the Rev. Medvit entered the Order of St. Basil the Great and professed solemn vows on January 1, 1984. He was ordained to the priesthood by Pope John Paul II in Rome on May 31, 1984. He has most recently served as provincial superior of the Order of St. Basil the Great in Poland.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 15, 1994, No. 20, Vol. LXII

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