Letter from Philadelphia-based Ukrainian Human Rights Committee

Following is the text of a letter sent to Don Hewitt, executive producer of "60 Minutes," by the Ulana Baluch Mazurkevich, president of the Ukrainian Human Right Committee based in Philadelphia.

Thank you for your prompt response to the pain and dismay caused the Ukrainian community by the airing of the October 23, segment of "60 Minutes" titled "The Ugly Face of Democracy." We think it is appropriate that you will be meeting with us so that we may resolve this matter expeditiously and correct the wrongs done to the Ukrainian American community and Ukraine. You must realize that the public sentiment generated by your segment cast Ukrainians, and by indirection, Ukrainian Americans and Ukrainian Canadians, as hateful, backward and indeed, barbaric.

The numerous factual and historical inaccuracies and distortions presented by the interplay of your video footage and commentary put modern-day Ukraine in a completely false light, leaving the viewer with the impression that this new nation is on the very verge of Nazism.

The examples of gross distortions in your piece are legion, as would be borne out by a frame-by-frame analysis. We have in fact performed a line-by-line analysis of your transcript and have comment on virtually every statement made. However, let us point out just a few of the inaccuracies and/or questionable items and techniques used in your presentation, which we can use as initial discussion points:

In fact, the UNA/UNSO, the ultraright-wing group on which you focused, represents the viewpoint of a tiny minority of the Ukrainian population. As a human rights monitoring organization, we would be aware of any significant "Ukraine for Ukrainians" movement. The group you presented is as much a fringe element as the American Nazi Party (which we note is legal in this country and is guaranteed free speech rights) and the white supremacist movement in the United States.

Your piece ignored the fact that in report after report (of which we will provide you copies), the CSCE [U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe] has noted Ukraine as one of the few nations to rise from the ashes of the former Soviet Union in which there are no noteworthy inter-ethnic or inter-confessional disputes. Your report ignored that one of the first international acts of the Ukrainian government was the erection of a memorial at Babyn Yar in 1991, and the tremendous positive impact this, among other acts, had on Ukrainian-Israeli relations. Finally, your report totally ignored the fact that under Ukrainian law, the equal rights of all citizens are guaranteed regardless of ethnic origin or religious persuasion. You also ignored that Jews have been welcomed into and are in the forefront of the Ukrainian independence movement, by such parties as Rukh, and that a number have been elected to the Ukrainian Parliament.

The false light in which you have depicted Ukraine is inexcusable; similarly, you have used the same brush to paint Americans of Ukrainian descent. To remedy this situation, we look forward to our upcoming meeting to further air our concerns and to discuss appropriate remedial action.

Ulana Baluch Mazurkevich

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 6, 1994, No. 45, Vol. LXII

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