New York City and federal officials announce details of visa lottery

NEW YORK - Flanked by dozens of international flags in New York City Hall's Public Hearing Chambers, Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani and Consumer Affairs Commissioner Fred Cerullo were joined by Ambassador Victor Marrero, U.S. representative to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, Federal Trade Commission Regional Director Michael J. Bloom, other city officials and representatives of community-based immigration organizations on Janaury 29 to officially announce the details of the DV-97 Diversity Visa Lottery slated to commence on February 12 and conclude March 12.

The officials explained the rules and restrictions governing the free lottery competition to award 55,000 permanent resident visas ("green cards"), and announced an education and outreach campaign to steer prospective lottery participants away from the practices of unscrupulous immigration practitioners.

"New York has always been recognized throughout the world as a city of immigrants, so it is only fitting that today we announce the details of this year's diversity visa lottery to the world here in New York City," explained Mr. Cerullo, New York City's consumer protection law enforcement official.

"The Giuliani administration is joining forces with federal agencies and community-based organizations to ensure that the maximum number of prospective candidates for green cards will participate in this absolutely free, easy-to-enter lottery," he said.

From February 12 to March 12, the U.S. State Department will conduct its third annual visa lottery to award 55,000 permanent resident visas. The program was established by the Immigration Act of 1990 to help expand the number of countries from which new immigrants to the United States originate.

Being randomly selected in the visa lottery does not guarantee a "lottery winner" a permanent resident visa, but it does permit the lottery selection eligible to immediately apply for a permanent resident visa.

In addition to announcing that applicants must now furnish a recent 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" photograph (with the applicant's name printed on the back of the photo) and their signature with their visa lottery applications, the officials announced the following lottery rules and restrictions:

The officials also provided details about how lottery applicants should provide personal information in English on their plain paper applications, and how they should properly address and mail the applications. (See samples printed on the right and below.) They pointed out that applicants can simply enter the lottery by using a plain sheet of paper and envelop (6-10 inches wide; 31/2-41/2 inches high), because there is no official lottery application.

Applications are to be mailed, via regular mail or air mail only, to: DV-97 Program, National Visa Center, Portsmouth, NH. The zip code to be used depends on the applicant's native or qualifying country as follows: Asia - 00210; Caribbean Islands, Central and South America, 00211; Europe - 00212; Africa - 00213; Oceania - 00214; North America, Bahamas - 00215.

Winners will be notified by mail by July 1996 and will receive further instructions on how to apply for a permanent resident visa.

Mr. Cerullo asked prospective lottery applicants to take note of the following hotlines for assistance in participating in the lottery, or if they are the victims of immigration services fraud:

New York City Consumer Affairs and the Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs and Language Services have published a free consumer guide that explains the rules and restrictions for the upcoming visa lottery. The brochure is available in English, Spanish, Chinese, French, Haitian Creole, Russian and Arabic.

To get a free copy of the guide, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to Consumer Affairs Visa Lottery Guide, 42 Broadway, New York, NY 10004 (specify language).


Spouse's Name
Names of Children under 21
Number & Street
City, Province, Postal Code
Applicant's Signature
Qualifying Country (if different from country of birth)



Your Country of Birth
Your Name
Your Street Address
City, Province, Postal Code
Country of Residence


DV-97 Program
National Visa Center
Portsmouth, NH 002XX

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 11, 1996, No. 6, Vol. LXIV

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