Democrats name liaison to ethnics

WASHINGTON - Democratic National Committee Chairman Don Fowler has announced the creation of the Office of Ethnic Outreach under the direction of Thomas A. Albert. The office will focus its efforts on the European and Mediterranean ethnic communities, strengthening and expanding their participation in the Democratic political process.

"President Bill Clinton has demonstrated a real commitment to the ethnic communities. The creation of this office and the naming of Thomas Albert as director further ensures that their voices are heard within the Democratic Party."

Mr. Albert, named as the director of Ethnic Outreach, served for six years as chief of staff to former Congresswoman Mary Rose Oakar of Cleveland. Of Irish and German descent, he has worked with ethnic communities and their issues throughout his professional career.

Regarding the Office of Ethnic Outreach, Mr. Albert said, "Ethnic Outreach will address issues of common concern to America's many ethnic communities. On the domestic side, the office will emphasize the ways in which our diverse heritages strengthen America. On the foreign policy side, we will work for an America engaged in the world in pursuit of our shared values of democracy, human rights and freedom."

The mission of this office was praised by Julian Kulas, a prominent Ukrainian American leader. "I want to commend the DNC for creating this position, which represents a tangible commitment to speak directly to the Ukrainian American community. I know that their work in the next crucial months will resonate well in our community and among all ethnic Americans," he said.

Mr. Albert may be reached at (202) 488-5087. Sarah Eisinger, assistant to the director, may be reached at (202) 488-5068; fax, (202) 488-5025.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 18, 1996, No. 7, Vol. LXIV

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