ON THE INTERNET: Sabre Foundation's updated Ukraine: FAQ Plus

by Bohdan Peter Rekshynskyj

Many things have changed since the days I first wrote about the Ukraine FAQ Plus Project on the Internet. But, first, a little review. The term FAQ is an acronym meaning "Frequently Asked Questions." This is a document, created on the Internet, used to address questions repetitiously asked by newcomers subscribed to a particular forum (or newsgroup). This provides a resource and enables others to deal with new topics of discussion without having to address the same old issues again and again as new users join. The Ukraine FAQ Plus Project was envisioned to go beyond such a basic FAQ.

It has succeeded in that goal, to the extent that it is recognized as one of the top 5 percent of all Internet sites by Point Communications, which rates and reviews them. They, literally, surf (search or browse) the net (or listen to suggestions) and rate the material they find.

According to the information on their web-site, Point Communications uses three criteria when they rate a particular site: Content: how broad and deep is the information? Is it accurate, complete, and up to date? Presentation: Is the the way the information is displayed aesthetic? Colorful? Is it easy to use? Does it lead visitors through the information nicely, utilizing video, audio and original graphics? Does it break new ground? Experience: This is the key rating, according to Point Communications. They write: "Is this fun? Is it worth the time? Will we recommend it to friends? All things considered, does this site deliver the goods?"

Then they create lists for people to browse the top 5 percent of those sites. Here is what they had to say about the Ukraine FAQ Plus Project:

"Ukraine has been around for centuries as an independent state, then a divided territory since the Tatars waded in, later shared by Muscovy and Poland, and eventually back to independence. This page answers nearly any question one might pose about the nation, its people, or culture. Sabre Foundation, a non-profit group active in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, sponsors this page by Bohdan Peter Rekshynskyj, who has pieced together this project from plenty of sources. Some highlights: The Ukrainian Weekly, an American-based publication, and the cultural section, with its biographies of Ukrainian composers like Maksym Berezovskyi. Law and business links round out a great resource."

Point Communications (whose Internet address is http://www.pointcom.com/) also produces a guide to current events happening on the Internet as well as news about it. In addition, the Ukraine based Kyiv "Freenet" site has established a link to the Ukraine FAQ Plus Project on its main page.

What is available?

Many sections comprise the Ukraine FAQ Plus Project. I shall give a brief summary of each as it appears on the main page (or screen):

Some highlights

On the main page there is a section that will let you see events on Ukraine's national calendar for the current day.

Who uses the FAQ?

Although the vast majority of people who access the Ukraine FAQ Plus Project are from the United States and Canada, in recent months there have been visits from people in Kharkiv, Kyiv, Ivano-Frankivske and Lviv. We have registered visits also from Australia, Brazil, the U.K., Germany, France, Israel, the Czech Republic and even South Africa, to mention a few.

The Ukraine FAQ Plus Project exists on two computer sites: one sponsored by the Sabre Foundation located in Massachusetts and the other sponsored by this author in New York City. Combined statistics for the month of January 1996 show the project delivered over 350 megabytes of information pertaining to Ukraine.

The Future

Whither now? There are a number of exciting developments in store for the project. Ranging from implementation of new computer technology to new content, major changes are in store. If you are on the Internet, watch for announcements to the major Ukrainian groups and be sure to visit the Ukraine FAQ Plus site often. Submissions are welcome.

The Ukraine FAQ Plus Project has as its major sponsor the Sabre Foundation, which in addition to supplying material for the project also graciously provides funding for part of the computer resources which houses the FAQ. There have been numerous contributors to the project.

Important Internet addresses pertaining to the Ukraine FAQ Plus Project are as follows:

Please note that the number of Internet web sites dealing with Ukraine seems to grow everyday. There are a number of excellent sites in addition to this one, I will cover those in a future article.

Bohdan Peter Rekshynskyj is a computer consultant working in the financial industry on Wall Street. He also provides consulting services dealing with the Internet. He may be reached via e-mail at [email protected] r by phone at (212) 475-6097.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 18, 1996, No. 7, Vol. LXIV

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