How much Ukrainian are Ukraine's children learning?

How much Ukrainian are Ukraine's children learning?

The chart below illustrates the number of hours of Ukrainian language study required by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine for government-run secondary schools where Russian is the language of general instruction. Presently, such schools account for over one-third of all secondary schools in Ukraine. Note that the number of hours is on a per annum basis. The reduced number of hours of required instruction (reflected in the 1995 figures) in the Ukrainian language is similar to that given to other (foreign) language study in most secondary schools in Ukraine.

 Level  1993  1995
 Grade 5  102 hours  85 hours
 Grade 6  102 hours  85 hours
 Grade 7  85 hours  85 hours
 Grade 8  68 hours  68 hours
 Grade 9  68 hours  68 hours
 Grade 10  34 hours  34 hours
 Grade 11  34 hours  34 hours

Source: Program for the Secondary General Educational Schools: Ukrainian Language in Schools with Russian as the Language of Instruction, Grades 5-11; Ministry of Education of Ukraine, Directorate of Schools; Kyiv, Osvita, 1993,1995.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 17, 1996, No. 11, Vol. LXIV

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