FOR THE RECORD: Christopher in Prague

In his speech on March 20 to a gathering of Central and East European foreign ministers in Prague, Secretary of State Warren Christopher had this to say about Ukraine's position in the U.S. vision of the emerging integration of Europe:

We are determined to keep faith with the nations of this region, to open the door that Stalin shut when he said "no" to the Marshall Plan. No nation in Europe should ever again be consigned to a buffer zone between great powers, or relegated to another nation's sphere of influence.

To achieve that end, President Clinton has advanced a broad-ranging strategy for European security. It includes a revitalized NATO, ready for the missions and roles of the next century. It includes support for deeper and broader European integration. It includes a strong and productive relationship with Russia. ...

Ukraine's integration is especially important to stability and security in this region. That is why we value Ukraine's participation in the Partnership for Peace, why we want NATO and Ukraine to build a strong relationship, and why we will participate in a major military exercise in Ukraine this summer. Yesterday in Kyiv, I reaffirmed America's commitment to Ukraine's freedom, independence and prosperity."

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 24, 1996, No. 12, Vol. LXIV

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