Ukrainian Heritage Foundation is donating Hopak dance video

POLAND, Ohio - Eugene Woloshyn, president of the Ukrainian Heritage Foundation, has announced that, due to the artistic and financial success of the video "Hopak Ukrainian National Dance" the foundation will give it free to any recognized Ukrainian dance group or community school.

Along with the video the foundation will send a poster of a couple doing the Hopak that is reproduced from an original print by the foundation's art director. Marion Senyk.

The foundation developed the video to promote one of Ukrainian culture's most popular art forms, as well as to pay tribute to Vasil Avramenko, who popularized Ukrainian dance in North America.

Organizations wishing a copy of the video and poster should send a letter signed by an officer to: Ukrainian Heritage Foundation of North America Inc., 2047 Wingate Road, Poland, OH 44514. Please enclose a check made out to the foundation for $5 (U.S.) to cover shipping and handing charges.

According to Mr. Woloshyn, the foundation's goal is to get this video to every dance group and school in the United States and Canada.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 31, 1996, No. 13, Vol. LXIV

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