Results of the 1995 organizing campaign

The UNA Home Office has released the results of the 1995 organizing campaign: 1,031 new members insured for $18,746,0000.

While the annual membership quota was not fulfilled in terms of the number of members enrolled, in terms of the amount of life insurance coverage written the quota was beaten by $6 million.

Following are the UNA's top organizers for 1995.

For the fourth year in a row, the top organizer among all branch activists was Miron Pilipiak, secretary of UNA Branch 496. He enrolled 36 new members. UNA Auditor William Pastuszek, Branch 231, and Michael Turko, secretary of Branch 63, shared second place, with each enrolling 25 new members.

The next category of top organizers, those enrolling between 10 and 20 members, included: Paul Shewchuk, Branch 13, 18 members; Christine Gerbehy, Branch 269, 15 members; Advisor Stephanie Hawryluk, Branch 88, 13 members; Joseph Chabon, Branch 242, Anna Haras, Branch 47, and Dr. Atanas Slusarczuk, Branch 174, 12 members each.

Three organizers - Konstantyn Chilczenkowski of Branch 10, Dr. Vasyl Luchkiw of Branch 16 and Yaroslav Zaviysky of Branch 155 - enrolled 11 members each. Auditor Stefan Hawrysz, Branch 83, and Julian Kotlar, Branch 42, enrolled 10 members each.

All other organizers (those enrolling nine or less members) will be listed in the annual report to the General Assembly.

In addition to life insurance certificates, the UNA also issued separate accidental death policies during the first six months of 1995. The organizers in this category included: Eugene Oscislawski, Branch 234, and Mr. Pastuszek, seven each; Messrs. Hawrysz and Pilipiak, five each; Mr. Chilczenkowski, four; Mr. Slusarczuk, two.

Fifteen organizers enrolled one member each for these accidental death certificates: Stephan Chorney, Branch 401; Peter Dziuba, Branch 367; Thomas Finiw, Branch 350; Mrs. Haras; Osyp Hawryluk, Branch 360; Marguerite Hentosh, Branch 305; Osyp Hladun, Branch 277; Andrew Maryniuk, Branch 388; Tekla Moroz, Branch 465; Irene Oliynyk, Branch 387; Dmytro Prystaj, Branch 43; Taras Slevinsky, Branch 59; Natalie Shuya, Branch 452; Mr. Zaviysky; and Walter Warshona, Branch 266.

Beginning in September of last year, members with paid-up certificates had the opportunity to purchase additional life insurance on the basis of the cash values of their policies and by making a one-time dues payment of either $200 or $300. During the last quarter of 1995, 611 such policies were purchased and these members once again became full-fledged members of their branches.

The UNA's professional sales force in the United States and Canada also was active in enrolling new members. The charts below demonstrate their progress.

Results of professional sales force in the U.S.

 of organizer

of members

of insurance

of annuities

of annuities

 John Danilack





 Joseph Binczak





 Eugene Oscislawski





 Longin Staruch





 Andre Worobec


$187, 679 



 Anne Smith





 Albert Le Donne





 Anatol Siry




 Robert Cook









Results of professional sales force in Canada

 Name of organizer

Number of members

Amount of Insurance 

 Maria Chomyn



 Peter Piszko



 Iryna Danilovitch



 Natasa Sukovic



 Alexander Dziubaniwsky



 Michael Armstrong






The UNA Executive Committee hereby thanks all organizers for their dedicated work in enrolling new members into the Ukrainian National Association in 1995 and, at the same time, asks that they continue their good efforts in 1996.

UNA District Committee Meeting


by Stephen M. Wichar Sr.

WARREN, Mich. - UNA officers of the Detroit, Toledo, Ohio, and Windsor, Ontario areas, which constitute the UNA's Detroit District, attended its annual meeting on March 3. Thirty UNA'ers representing eight branches of 15, were present at the meeting.

The assembly was called to order by Dr. Alexander Serafyn, district chairman and a UNA advisor. He greeted all participants and presented Martha Lysko, UNA secretary, the keynote speaker for the afternoon.

A memorial was conducted for UNA members who died in 1995. After a presidium was selected, naming Dr. Serafyn as chairman and Roman Lazarchuk as recording secretary. Mr. Lazarchuk, district secretary, was called to read the annual meeting's minutes of February 19, 1995.

Reporting on the work of the Detroit District, Dr. Serafyn gave a general annual outline of issues and activities. He elaborated on his role as a national UNA officer, the meetings he attended and committee assignments.

Dr. Serafyn summarized his involvement in solving the perennial problem of merging smaller branches. One merger took place in the Windsor area where three branches united: Nos. 463 and 504 were merged into Branch 341. Anne Petryshyn became the new secretary and Serafina Marzotto the new president. In the Detroit area, Branch 75 merged with Branch 20. Dr. Serafyn also reported a slow-down in new membership enrollment in 1995.

In addition to routine activities, Dr. Serafyn said he sought the support of Michigan's Ukrainian Selfreliance Federal Credit Union to organize a seminar on money management. More than 100 persons attended, and the UNA's participation was chiefly an appraisal of insurance policies.

In a second joint venture, the UNA, the credit union and the Selfreliance Association planned a unique gathering with Ukrainian immigrants who came to America in the last decade (1985-1995). Dr. Serafyn provided the "UNA picture" before an audience of 160 people, 110 of whom were new arrivals.

Lesser but equally important activities were the showing of the UNA's "Helm of Destiny" to different audiences, the traditional UNA Family Day at the Dibrova Estate, awards of UNA financial stipends to students of Immaculate Conception High School and St. Mary's Ukrainian Orthodox Church Saturday School, a meeting with Vasyl Kyryk from Ukraine's Chicago Consulate, and UNA participation in the Michigan Fraternal Congress. During 1995, Dr. Serafyn also received fraternal awards.

Mr. Lazarchuk reported on his secretarial duties, which included both the corresponding and recording departments. Jaroslaw Baziuk, treasurer, reported on all income and expenditures, with the district showing a balance of $2,617.

Additional reports were given by Roman Kuropas, Lesia Lawrin, Dr. Atanas Slusarczuk, Irene Pryjma, Anne Petryshyn and Petro Zaluha and the auditors. The latter, chaired by Olha Marusczak, reported that all assets and expenditures were in excellent order. Mrs. Maruszcak also noted that Mr. Lazarchuk's secretarial documentation met all standards of good record-keeping.

Ms. Marusczak made two recommendations as auditor: one, that delegates to a UNA convention are obligated to attend their district's annual meeting; second, that secretaries and assistants should be present at such meetings.

After a discussion on the reports, Mrs. Marusczak made a motion to give the retiring board a vote of confidence.

Stephen M. Wichar Sr., as chairman of the Nominations Committee, and concurring with committee members Joseph Postolowsky and Mr. Lazarchuk, presented a list of candidates for 1996-1997.

The following persons were named: Dr. Serafyn, chairman; Mr. Wichar, vice-chairman and English-language publicity; Mr. Baziuk, treasurer; Mr. Lazarchuk, recording/corresponding secretary; Dr. Slusarczuk, public relations (Ukrainian); Zenon Wasylkevych, publicity (Ukrainian); Jurij Rub, programs and hospitality; Osyp Bihun, programs and hospitality; Gregory Korbiak, Dmytro Koszylowsky, Mr. Kuropas and Mr. Zaluha, advisors; Olha Ulana Marusczak, Mr. Postolowskyj and Serafian Marzotta, auditors.

The proposed slate was unanimously elected.

Dr. Serafyn presented Secretary Lysko as the speaker for the afternoon. After welcoming the Detroit delegation, she provided a very precise data sheet on organizational and national membership activities.

She pointed out that Detroit branches enrolled 43 new members for a total insurance coverage of $742,000 or an average of $17,256 per policy. The assigned quota for Detroit was 115 members, indicating that this district had an attainment of only 37 percent. A net loss of 17 members was sustained for 1995. In the roster of UNA cities with the highest membership count, Detroit placed 20th. Dr. Slusarczuk, Mrs. Maruschak, Mrs. Korbiak and Alexandra Lawrin, were the top organizers in 1995.

Ms. Lysko spent a portion of her time introducing the new Universal Life Insurance policy and the rewarding financial benefits it offers. Included with this was a new brochure describing the policy in the Ukrainian language.

An interesting dialogue ensued between Ms. Lysko and the delegation in respect to the UNA's activity on the national level. Subjects covered included: the hiring of a professional organizer in Detroit, the possibility of Internet advertising, the UNA-UFA merger, Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly.

Ms. Lysko's parting words were philosophic. "I believe our insurance policies are comprehensive and in adequate competition with the insurance industry. But, most of all, our policies are designed to meet the insurance needs of the Ukrainian family."

She added "Our district committees in America and Canada with all their branches are the backbone of the UNA."

Dr. Serafyn thanked Mrs. Lysko for the talk and then proceeded to outline the district's plans for 1996-1997. He suggested a more intensive campaign for new UNA members, a UNA Day, a seminar on organizing matters and more effective publicity measures. Dr. Serafyn said a calendar of activities would be firmly scheduled at the next meeting of the Detroit District Committee.

After the meeting's adjournment refreshments were served.


WOONSOCKET, R.I. - A meeting of the Ukrainian National Association District of Rhode Island and Southern Massachusetts was held on Saturday, March 23, here at St. Michael's Orthodox Parish Hall.

District Chairman Leon Hardink opened the meeting with a prayer and a moment of silence for deceased UNA members.

Next, a roll call was taken. Branches 93, 177, 206 and 241 were in attendance; branches 73 and 122 were not present. In all, 16 UNA members attended the meeting.

Yuri Kalita read the minutes of the last meeting in Ukrainian, while Theodore Klowan read the minutes in English. The treasurer's report was read by Janet Bardell, who noted a bank balance of $418.55.

Next, Dmytro Sarachman reported on local social events over the past year. In 1995, a dinner-dance was held at the Embassy Club in Woonsocket in honor of the 85th anniversary of the Zaporozska Sicz branch and the 100th anniversary of the Ukrainian National Association. A trip to a concert in Worcester was organized, with 48 people attending.

For the coming year, trips being considered include a trip to the New Jersey Ukrainian Festival in September, a trip to Toronto and a Father's Day trip to Soyuzivka.

The election of new officers was held. The following UNA'ers were nominated and unanimously approved as officers for the next year: Mr. Hardink, chairman; Alex Chudolij, vice-chairman; Ms. Bardell, treasurer; Mr. Kalita, Ukrainian secretary; Mr. Klowan, English secretary; John Laba, Irene Furman and Helen Trenkler, trustees; and Mr. Sarachman, fraternal activities coordinator.

After the election, Ms. Bardell extended her best wishes for Michael Iwanycky's speedy return to heath.

Mr. Hardink then introduced the guest speaker for the meeting, Alexander Blahitka, UNA treasurer. Mr. Blahitka reported on the state of the UNA, both in the Woonsocket district as well as nationally for the year ending December 31, 1995. This included a discussion of significant changes the UNA has made over the past year. Mr. Blahitka also updated the district on the UNA's progress in merging with two other Ukrainian fraternal organizations.

Mrs. Trenkler and Mr. Sarachman motioned that the district make a $50 donation to the Ukrainian Olympic Committee. The motion was approved by a vote of 10-1.

After a question and answer period with Messrs. Blahitka and Hardink, the meeting was adjourned.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 28, 1996, No. 17, Vol. LXIV

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