EU declaration on Ukraine

Following is the text of the declaration on Ukraine by the presidency on behalf of the European Union, released on May 21.

As the fifth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence draws near and in the spirit of the Common Position of November 27, 1994, the European Union reaffirms the fundamental importance of Ukraine's independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty as key elements of security in Europe in the wake of Ukraine's accession to the Council of Europe, testifying to the meaningful progress Ukraine has made in consolidating its democracy. The EU further expresses its appreciation for the active and constructive role played by Ukraine in favor of regional and European stability, and is confident of early approval of the new constitution, whose entry into force will further legitimize Ukraine's aspiration to integrate fully into the family of European nations.

The European Union supports equally the efforts of the Ukrainian people and its leadership aimed at establishing a market economy, as a prerequisite for economic and social development corresponding to Ukraine's huge human and natural potential. The European Union will continue to use the available instruments to encourage and assist further consolidation of the achievements in the field of economic stabilization and of liberalization. The European Union will also assist the process of integration of Ukraine into the world economic order, through support for its efforts to meet the requirements for WTO membership, and will further examine the possibility of recognizing Ukraine's status as an economy in transition.

More in particular, the European Union considers that implementation of the Interim Agreement and subsequently the PCA [Partnership and Cooperation Agreement] will be a priority for its relations with Ukraine in the coming years. This requires from Ukraine a far-reaching effort to adapt its legislative framework in various domains, economic as well as administrative, an effort which the EU is prepared fully to support. Clear measures of liberalization and privatization, as well as stable, non-discriminatory legislation, will represent the requisites for a satisfactory level of foreign investment.

The European Union expresses its utmost satisfaction and appreciation at the great progress made by Ukraine in the field of arms control and non-proliferation. We are particularly satisfied with the positive implementation by Kyiv of the Lisbon Protocol and associated documents, which has allowed the START I Treaty to enter into force.

The union also welcomes the process of deactivation of strategic forces, the removal and transfer of warheads and destruction of carriers. The union welcomes Ukraine's accession to the NPT [Non-Proliferation Treaty] as a non-nuclear weapons member-state, which strengthened the treaty on the eve of its review and extension conference. We appreciate as well the positive attitude of Ukraine vis-à-vis the indefinite extension of the treaty, which will enhance the non-proliferation regime.

As far as nuclear safety is concerned, the union attaches the greatest importance, as was also stated in the declaration by the G-7 and Russia at the Nuclear Safety Summit in Moscow, to the implementation of President Kuchma's decision to close down the Chornobyl nuclear power station definitively by the year 2000.

For its part, the EU is, with the G-7, committed to assisting with the implementation of this decision, in accordance with the terms of the MOU [Memorandum of Understanding] signed in Ottawa last December.

The union regards with deep interest the ongoing intensification of Ukraine's dialogue with WEU, as a significant step in the process of bringing Ukraine closer to European security structures.

In the interests of European stability, the European Union will encourage and facilitate the establishment of good relations between Ukraine and its neighbors. In the same perspective, it is in favor of the renewal of the mandate of the OSCE [Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe] mission in Ukraine.

The meeting of Foreign Minister Udovenko with the Ministerial Troika of the European Union, held on May 21 in Rome, confirmed the excellent state of their relations and endorsed their further evolution in all fields, in parallel with future processes of European Union enlargement, and in full compliance with the terms of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 2, 1996, No. 22, Vol. LXIV

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