21st Choral Conductors Seminar

EDMONTON - The 21st Choral Conductors Seminar, organized by the Ukrainian Music Society of Alberta, will take place here Friday, August 9, to Sunday, August 18, at St. John's Institute.

The focal points this year are working with children's and youth choirs and the study of Valerij Kikta's Liturgy.

This year's program of study will include: conducting (individual and group sessions); the conductor-performer (lecture); the conductor as music interpreter; effective phrasing for performances; the church choir; structure of the liturgy; study of the new Liturgy of Mr. Kikta; working with children's and youth choirs; the nature of a child's voice; vocal training for children; methodology of working with a children's choir; Ukrainian music-music appreciation; working with choirs; choir seminar (participants will conduct choir rehearsals).

For further information, call (403) 474-9774, or write to: Ukrainian Choral Conductors Seminar, 11728 97th St., Edmonton, AB T5G 1Y2.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 9, 1996, No. 23, Vol. LXIV

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